Past The Limit

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I looked over to my bedside table, finding My phone sitting there. I rolled over and picked it up in my hands, I felt drowsy and tired, but was sick of sitting in bed, i needed to do somthing. I checked the time and saw it was 12:51 in the afternoon. I stood out of bed, but my hair in a mess bun, unwilling to deal with it right now, and made my way downstairs.

The house seemed quiet, apart from the low sounds of the TV, but I went to the kitchen, opening up a cupboard, revealing countless bottles and packs of medication. I reached for the ibuprofen and filled a cup with water before swiftly swallowing the tablets.

I took a long, deep breath and walked out to the couch. When I made my way to sit on it, Kain was staring at me with a cold and harsh glare. I returned the bitchyness before sitting down.

A deadly silence filled the space between us before Kaine broke it with harsh words. "I'm kicking you out of the band"

Of course he was goanna pull some fuckin skit like this. Then there was me, head fuckin pounding , tired as shit, and about to evaporate into thin are in 5 days. Of course I lost my shit.

"I fuckin hate you. Your the most retarded piece of shit. Your face looks like a rats asshole. Go fuck yourself".

That's all I needed, I could yell for hours about how much of a cunt he is and all he did was use me. I'm not wasting my last 5 and a half days on that shit stick.

"Yea you better keep walking, I'm not goanna put up with your tantrum anyways."

Nope, wasn't done with that shit stick.

"You better shut your mother fucking hole up before I do ya wankface".

"Nah you wanna know why I started getting high again, or blowing all my money on vapes, and why over relapsed so hard and why my mental health is at the bottom shelf?" Tears began to prick at my eyes but in the moment I decided to let all my emotions out and let my hatred be known to this poofter.

"Because of you ya fuck prick. You used me, made me question if I'm worth it, made me question if you really still loved me, made me always wanna be my best when around you. I though when we were kids that maybe we could stay the same for our whole relationship. That you would hold me for as long as I needed you to. That you would kiss me and tell me it's all goanna be alright, and that you felt safe around me to tell me everything and let me help"

"But I guess people change, I mean the rains gotta come some day hasn't it? So im sorry that everything's my fault, and I'm sorry that I'm not want you want, but if that's how it's gonna be then I don't wanna be around your sick ass. So suck my dick like the good little cock eater you are. Bye bye ya stinky bitch" I stated while creeping closer, and closer to him to the point where our knees almost touched.

I punched him in the jaw, causing him to hold it with both hands while groaning and that shocked expression re appeared.

"Fuck you" he said in an agitated tone

"No thankyou, not from you anyways, your dicks a bit small. Did ya know that?" I jolted out then stormed out the house with my bag that was at the front door.

And yes, I filled it with alcohol.

I got in my car, started it, but sitting for a moment just to think about where am I going. I mean, I dont really care but I'm convinced at this point that I'm going to die sooo...

I put an address in on my maps and let the wheels begin to take me to the place where I fell most at home. I haven't been back in years.


Thread The Needle - Sleep Token / Vessel ffWhere stories live. Discover now