Falling in a Haze

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≪•◦ 𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞 ◦•≫

It's the next day and we got up early and got ready so we could go meet SleepToken at one of their Gigs.

They were opening for Alpha Wolf (iykyk)

I got dressed in some comfy concert cloths with my favourite Slipknot shirt and some baggy ass ripped jeans.

As I walled out of the bedroom Kaine enters the kitchen, he had a dark grey singlet and a pair of dark blue jeans on as well.

"Morning beautiful, breakfast on the way?" He asked as he pulled me into his warm embrace.

I nodded My head against his Solid chest and he slightly pulled back. He gazed unto my eyes, and I smiled at him, my sight frozen on the beauty that radiated from his face.

He leaned down and we shared a small kiss. It was passionate, but not needy, we didn't have time to get too attached to the warm feeling.

He held my hand as we made out war out the door and to the car. We took my car because I wanted to drive. I had a white Isuzu Dmax 4x4 and I drove it everywhere. It was my dream car that I finally had after about 2 years of tirelessly saving.

We got in a s started to drive. We listened to some SleepToken so we knew a bit more of what we were getting ourselves into.

We talked about their music and mentioned how they combine genres and make you feel certain ways. How they don't have a set sound or style, but their kind of everywhere and why that abig reason that we love it.

About 45 mins go past and were at the venue. There's already people lining up, even thought it doesn't start for another hour.

We met the others soon and start to walk. We show security our ID's and passes and head in. I imagined how one day it could be our band playing on a stage as the main band, touring for  brand new album with thousands of fans cheering us on, travelling all around the world.

We went backstage and met with their main producer, Sam, the one had emailed us and who Kaine had talked to on the phone the other day.

"The bands just over there, I'll get them down here hang on they wint be long" Alex said as he started to walk to a group of people. He got their and took like they were talking. We all looked around while we waited.

I felt like I was forgetting something, then I realised. Shit, I dropped my phone somewhere. I told the boys to go talk to the band and I'll met them there soon.

I started to look around. I stood their for a second, lost in thought of where I could be.

Helplessly racking brain which was useless in these situations -I was good with long term memories, I remeber things from long ago and notice the small details- but when jt came to short term, like rembering code of numbers or where I put somthing, it never seemed to surface.

I felt a presence of someone else, then a low menacing chuckle that made the hair on my neck stand tall.

"This your by any chance?" A deep British voice entered my ears and I wipped around to see a tall man with a dark cloak, black jeans, no shirt, though his chest and arms seemed to be covered in a black paint like substance and a white mask with intrucut red symbol painted on top and 6 slits for eyes.

It snapped in an instant that this was Vessel, the lead singer and front man for SleepToken. I quickly grabbed my phone amd Thanked him, my hands and voice slightly shakey. He made me feel some way that I've never really experienced before and I couldn't really describe it.

"Thankyou um, V- Vessel, is it, Im Jade by the way, nice to meet you?" I ask, he nods his head then replys. "Yes, that you be me. Jade, what a lovely name" he mentions and my face starts to turn red.

We start to make out what to the rest fo the group and Kaine looks at me before eyeing Vessel. Shit he must see my face and then see a very attracted tall man with a voice that melts your heart and a body like a Greek God.

"You alright baby, did you find your phone?" He asks while swinging his arm around me and giving Vessel a slightly dominating look. Vessel tilts his head as to say, 'chill out she's yours' and I reply to break the tension.

"Yea, well Vessel found it but its all good now" I look him in the eyes, as to ask him to back off and relax. He could be quite protective and jeloues when it came to me sometimes.

We get introduced to each if the members before introducing our selves one by one. We started to talk and SleepToken asked again if we would like to tour with them. In a heartbeat we all agreed and it wasn't long before half an hour had passed of the two groups just talking.

The whole time Kaine held a stern gaze when it came to Vessel, thought he seemed to slightly soften as we had conversation.

Sleeptoken had to get ready to preform so went and sat down in a room while we waited. We had backstage passes so we wouldn't watch from the crowd buy right next to the band.

I was eger, and impatient to feel the vibration on the floor beneath us from the deep thud of the drums, and catchy sounds coming from the guitar and bass, but most of all I longed to hear the angel like voice that made my mind feel at ease.

Somehow Vessel words connected with ny own thoughts, almost like he could read my mind  describing how I feel inside that I  couldnt quite express even if I desperately needed to.

I was quickly pulled out of my thoughts by  somthing wrap around my waist, then the hot breath next to my ear as they rested their head on my shoulder.

"You alrigth, baby. How are you feeling" his words were warm against my ears as I drank in his voice, sending a light shiver down my spine

I nodded my head in response thought Kaine started to caress my waist, travelling along, daring to make their way to my thighs

"Words, baby. Use that pretty little mouth of yours" his voice Barley a whisper as he kissed my neck

"I'm alright, baby" I responded and he took a step back,, now standing next to me, grasping my hand in his

"That's what I like to hear" he said while staring deeply into my eyes. He had a look of mischief and determination, like he knew what he was doing.

When I turn my focus back to the stage, SleepToken had already started with thier opening song 'Alkaline', I sighed un defeat and disappointment, nor only at Kaine for disgracing me, but also at myself for not paying enough attention.

A while had passed, and I can't even begin to explain how their music makes me feel. One one hand I feel at peace, and relaxed. A sense of calm, almost as if the weight of my worried has been lifted off my shoulders, like the wars that dared within had taken a step back. I felt like I could fly if I bothered to put in the effort.

On the other hand, I felt like I had begun to notice every single emotion that I carried within, like my burdens and troubles became fuel that filled me with the power to take on the whole world single handedly without a single scratch on me top prove as evidence.

The mixture and confusion of the two sides made me hyper aware of my well-being and thoughts. How my emotions changed and what exactly I felt. How i delt with them And what i would sweep under the rug that would finally boil over leaving an even bigger mess to clean.

The meaning each sing carries and the way they were portrayed. How easy it was to feel certain things when a different song would come on. Each of them were their own masterpiece, their own intricately designed pillar that helped to hold up a common goal that they shared between them

A goal that would attract people who relate to it, or that purely enjoyed it. Those who found peace in the waking hell that made the gods grow tired and averted their gaze from them in their time of need  when they were nothing but a wreck beneath them.

A goal to bring them together who needed and try to heal the wounded.

•≪•◦ The Whites of Your Eyes ◦•≫•

•≪•◦ Turn Black in the Lowlight ◦•≫•

•≪•◦ In Turning Divine ◦•≫•

Thread The Needle - Sleep Token / Vessel ffWhere stories live. Discover now