Chapter 46- The Accident

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" I'm so sorry," Hardin said as he rushed to me, he took my hand, and after thanking the woman by the entrance we entered the building.

" It must have slipped my mind that they would request an invite to get in, I'm so sorry, you must have felt embarrassed just standing there." He said with regrets in his eyes but the angry pregnant woman in me wanted nothing more than to give him an earful but I controlled myself.

" I thought you said it was for all pregnant women, why did it look like it was strictly by invitation, and why are you here?"

" Uhm," he said as he scratched his head like he was hiding something.

" I'm sorry once again but I had to help her with organizing some things." Okay, that explains why he is here.

" One more thing, why does it look like all the women entering here are here with their partners?" If that was the case I might as well just go home, I can't bear people looking at me with pity, that would be horrible.

" Absolutely not, you must not be here with your husband, I don't mean to offend you but I know you're not married and if it makes you feel better I can sit with you, but just know that I'm quite famous here, they might think you're my pregnant girlfriend." He said with a smile and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

He led the way to where the event would be taking place, it looked like a theater room, about twenty pregnant ladies were already seated, some with their husbands others alone.

" Thank you so much, beautiful ladies, to all the first-time moms and the moms who might be expecting their second or third child and still want to learn more about what being pregnant is all about, I just want to say I'm happy that you could make it here today, I am the host for this event and my name is Grace Leonard, but I wouldn't be the one speaking to you lovely ladies today," some ladies made some noise like they were surprised and disappointed by the news.

" Nothing to worry about ladies, I bring you one of the best, she has been dealing with anything pregnancy-related for over ten years now, so she's going to tell you all there is to know. Please help me welcome Dr. Sarah Andrew." The whole room erupted in applause as a bubbly-looking lady walked to the front of the room.

" Thank you so much, everyone, I'm happy that you could make it here. Pregnancy is a beautiful blessing," She starts…" Although some pregnancies are not planned, having a child is never an accident, I'll tell you why…" She told us all there is to be pregnant, what to eat, how helpful it is to exercise often, how it is good for pregnant women to have sexual intercourse with their spouse, something I didn't have, and that it was normal for the sexual urges to come, everything intensifies with pregnancy, the need to chop off someone's head at the slightest thing.

" Now when these children are born this is where the journey of motherhood officially starts, you lack sleep, you have to breastfeed them sometimes you even forget to take care of yourself.." I felt someone sit beside me but I didn't bother to acknowledge the person my mind was far off, what if I never get to do any of these with my child? What if I never get to change my child's diaper? What if I never get to hold my child? The lady didn't stop there, she kept telling me all the things I might never do.

" You sometimes wouldn't care if you've eaten, you're just worried if your child refuses to eat, all these are normal but you have to also take care of yourself…" she was even looking at me now with a smile, I guess the tears…Wait, tears? She must think I couldn't wait to be a mother, she didn't know I was dreading the day, the day my child might be taken from me.

" You're crying, are you okay?" I heard someone ask but I couldn't place who the owner of the voice was because my mind was in a mess.

" Excuse me," I said as I quickly stood up and I heard someone follow me, I didn't even know where I was going, I didn't know anywhere around this place.

" Hey, Jane." Someone held my hand and I stopped, I turned to look at the person but the tears in my eyes were making the face blurry until the person cleaned the tears in my eyes and I registered the face as Hardin's.

" Hey,  you don't look okay, what's wrong?" At least there exists someone who would see you in tears and wouldn't ask if you're okay.

" I'm fine." I lied as I cleaned the tears in my eyes that were still trying to roll down my face.

" Well you don't look okay to me, are you by any chance uncomfortable and you're not enjoying being here" He said as he looked at my face as if searching for something.

" No, no, not at all, I'm having a good time, I think it's just the hormones and I think I'm overwhelmed, there's nothing." I lied because I just couldn't tell him that there was a possibility of me not having the opportunity to be this child's mother.

" You're going to be fine, if there's anything you want to talk about, I'm here for you, okay? And if you're feeling uncomfortable we can leave." I couldn't leave, I didn't want others to think I was weak.

" No I'm absolutely fine, let's go back inside," We went back inside, and with pain, I sat down and listened to something I might never be or do. A mother and taking care of my child.

When the event was finally over I breathed in relief, I didn't even wait to greet other ladies, I just left with Hardin following behind me.

" For a pregnant woman, you're quite fast." I couldn't help but laugh, he didn't have to know that I couldn't wait to leave this place but my steps were betraying me. So I slowed down.

We were now working side by side.

" Can I ask you something?" Hardin said.

" You already did." He chuckled looking at me with a smile but I just rolled my eyes at him.

" The man I met you with that day, is he the father of your child?" I swallowed, he was actually the first person to ask me if Markus was the father of my child.

" Yes." I simply said not giving any more information.

" Oh, okay," He didn't ask any more questions, we just walked outside.

" You've suddenly become quiet, did I say something to offend you? I'm sorry you know,"

" No it's nothing, I just don't like talking about it."

" Okay."

He walked me to my car and I got in before he walked off and I drove away.

I was driving and when the red light came up I stopped but just as I stopped another car bombed into mine, my head jerked forward but because of the seat belt I was dragged back and didn't hit my head. What the hell?

I came out of the car to see if any damage was done to the car, a black car had bumped into mine, and a woman stepped out of the car from the passenger side but the driver didn't step out.

But as the window of the car was rolled down I froze.

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