Chapter 27- The Hospital Visit

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I knew the moment my eyes opened that I wasn't in the movie room. The smell of the room told me that.

I groaned as I sat up on the bed, why was my head spinning like I was drunk?

I looked to my left and Markus wasn't on the bed so I got up and made my way to the bathroom still half asleep.

I entered the toilet and sat down to pee. That's when my senses started working and I heard the sound of the shower running. He was inside here too.

I would have to get out without him seeing me, I didn't want to face him already.

I tiptoed hoping he wouldn't hear me but just as my hand touched the door he spoke.

" From the moment you opened that door I knew you were here, so why are you trying to hide?" His voice was jumbled by the sound of the running water as I turned to glare at him. Refusing to look further than his face.

He raised his brows at me but I didn't mind.

" You're acting like you haven't seen more than enough during our strenuous activities. Or does your boyfriend suddenly have a better body that you can't look at mine?" This was the very reason I was avoiding him. He was acting like a nagging wife.

Instead of saying anything I just ignored him and went outside the bathroom.

When he was done I took a quick shower as I had an appointment with the doctor today.

I dressed in a light pink shirt dress and white sneakers as I put everything I'd be needing in my white tote bag.

I totally forgot about breakfast until I was almost walking out of the house and Markus called me back.

" You seem to be forgetting that you have to eat." He said as he scanned my body as if he was thinking of tying me up rather than letting me step out of the door.

Was he so worried about the child that he didn't even care how I felt?

"Where are you even heading to in such a hurry?" I could feel another question inside that question he just asked me but I pretended like I didn't know what he was implying.

I wasn't going to start this now, what was his problem?

The maids brought me what to eat but I wasn't able to stomach much. It was the pregnancy telling on me.

When I was done, I headed downstairs to where the car was parked so I could drive to the hospital, but as my hand touched the car door another hand covered mine, hands I was very well familiar with.

" What are you doing?" I asked as I turned to him. He didn't say a word, he just opened the door and waited for me to go in but I didn't.

" If you don't tell me what's going on I'm not going to enter that car. I won't let you order me around." And I meant it. Did he think I was scared of him or what?

" Get in the car,  I am taking you to the hospital, I have to make sure my baby is alright." I blinked, I blinked again, he was going with me to the hospital? That was it? And he just couldn't say it out.

I shook my head at his craziness before I got into the car and he closed the door, moved over to the driver's side, and got in.

The drive was silent, none of us spoke a word, and not even the radio was turned on.

We parked in front of the hospital and I opened the door to get out while he did the same. Something told me he had connections here too because immediately they saw him they came to attend to him.

Like this was a fucking hospital.

" Mr Arthur, such a pleasure." The doctor said as I couldn't help but send him a glare, how was it a pleasure for someone to come to the hospital? or lemme guess, he was already seeing the dollar he could get from him.

What if we had a serious issue then he'll say it was such a pleasure. I would have torn out his eyes. Blame it on my hormones, not me.

Markus didn't answer the doctor, he just walked past him and I couldn't be happier with his decision.

I followed behind him, but he stopped for me to catch up and then we walked side by side towards the elevator.

The doctor gave me a gown to change into and he used his stethoscope to start checking me. I didn't have a bump yet but I was beginning to feel like there was even the tiniest bit of movement inside me. Maybe it was my imagination but it felt real.

" Everything seems to be okay. What you need to do is to drink a lot of water so you don't get dehydrated because of your frequent vomiting." Markus was so focused on the doctor for a moment I thought the doctor was actually talking to him.

" Thank you, doctor," I said as we were about to leave, but the doctor stopped us again.

" One more thing." We watched as he went to his table and opened his drawer, coming up with something that looked like a pamphlet.

" Here this should be a place to take your wife for exercise when the time comes." Wife? I wanted to correct the statement but Markus interrupted me as he took the pamphlet and without a word he turned towards the door taking me with him.

" A little thank you wouldn't hurt," I said as I removed my hand from his grip and he let me.

" I pay them enough, there was no need to thank them for something I paid for, they didn't do it for free." I wanted to argue with him but decided otherwise. There was no need, once he believed something there was no changing his mind.

As we turned the corner, I bumped into someone and the person held my shoulder to steady me. When I looked from the arms to the face, who I saw wasn't who I was expecting. In fact, I wasn't expecting anyone.

But this face caught me by surprise.

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