The Compromise

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Max: ok so you will come over to my place this weekend and I can freely hit your balls when ever I want.

Sam: I don't know that will hurt a lot

Max: well we could keep doing this at school and everyone can see your crumple over and embarrass your self in front of the school or you can suffer privately at my house.

Sam: fine but can I get some brakes in-between hits I want to make sure my family jews don't brake

Max: sure

Sam: ok I gusse

Max: cool see you after school we can walk back together.
Max slaps sams balls as he walks a way feeling a funny sensation in his crotch

Sam cupps his balls and barly able to stand.
Sam growns: aaawww

Max looks down at his crotch and thinks. well this should be fun but hearing him grown like that is like music. Am I getting hard from that?


Finally the day ends and max with Sam walk back home.

Sam: so do you have any plans for our play date

Max: date?

Sam blushes: I mea... ya its a saying

Max: oh well ya I have some plans for us. Since my folks won't be home this weekend we can stay up and play some video games.

Sam: oh video games?

Max: ya you have played videos games before ?

Sam: no my mom says they are bad and have lots of violence.

Max: well the wold is full of violence for example. Max slams his fist in to Sam's balls feeling the connection

Sam feels a sudden spike of pain as it rushes through his body.

Max heads in to his house and playfully laughs at sams agony

Ballbusting  Neighbor (Slow Start)Where stories live. Discover now