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I managed to stay away from Noah the rest of the week, I didn't want to talk to him and I didn't want any awkward encounters. However, it was Friday and the guys had another show tonight.

Noah is leaning against his car when I come out of my apartment, "Need a ride?"

"No thanks," I say through gritted teeth, nodding at the car pulling up. I had planned on drinking until I couldn't feel anything anymore. I was already several shots of vodka in and I could already hear the slur in my voice.

"Mind if I ride with you then?"

I pause for a moment and tilt my head to the side as I glare him.


He rolls his eyes, but ignores me and gets into my car. I've already paid for the ride so I slide in after him. He's all nervous energy tonight, drumming his hands on his knees and singing along with the radio. It would be endearing if I wasn't still so mad at him.

The sound of his hands slapping his legs is more than I can take and I slap my hand over his and hold them in place, "if you don't sit still I'm going to push you out of this moving vehicle."

Noah is undeterred, slipping his hands from under mine and continuing the drumming along my forearm. I realize my hand is on his thigh now and I yank it back, still glaring at him. He ignores the warning on my face and continues drumming along my arm.

Suddenly, a laugh bubbles up my throat and out of my mouth, surprising both of us. Noah joins in with my hysterical laughter, I don't know where it came from and I don't think he does either. Maybe I was more tipsy than I thought.

"Truce?" He asks when the car is quiet again.

I hold up my pinky, "as long as you don't cock block me anymore."

Noah's head falls back with laughter, I watch the hand on his neck stretch at the action and I have to look out of the window behind him. My body warms when he hooks his finger with mine in agreement.

"I wasn't trying to cock block you, to be clear, I just wanted you to have all of the facts," he says softly, of course I knew that but I was embarrassed.

"I know, Noah, thanks I guess," I reply, smirking.

We pull up in front of the small club and Noah gets out before me, holding the door and shutting it after me. Finn is waiting on the curb with his arms spread and a giant smile on his face and I throw myself into his arms.

"This is a rare site," Finn comments, lifting me off the ground.

"What is?"

"You two look like you are actually getting along," Finn laughs, putting me back on my feet.

I glance over my shoulder at Noah, "never."

Finn and Noah disappear backstage to get ready and I make my way to get a drink from the same bartender that is always here. He doesn't make fun of me anymore and I don't make fun of him. I chat with him a few minutes, chugging my beer too fast, before grabbing another when I hear the first band getting on stage.

When I stand by Jenna and Thad I lock eyes with a man across the floor, he's beautiful with his dark hair slicked back away from his face. His eyes are dark and kind, despite the fact that he's covered in tattoos.

"Jenna, have you seen that guy before?" I subtly nod at him.

Jenna cuts her eyes to him descreetly, "the cute one with the owl tattoo on his neck?" I nod at her, "No, I don't know who that is. I haven't seen him here before."

Exit Wounds | Noah SebastianWhere stories live. Discover now