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Another Friday night has come and I am getting ready for Finn's show. I don't have to worry about begging Caleb to come with me tonight, he works odd hours and he will be at work most of the night.

I pull on ripped skinny jeans, throw on a white t-shirt and shrug on a red flannel, leaving it open to reveal the shirt. I curl the ends of my hair and put on some mascara. I look at my phone, it's a busy night and I have enough time to drink a glass of champagne before my car gets here.

My phone dings in my hand. Better hurry up, bitch! Finn has referred to me as bitch for as long as I've known him. I shake my head and ignore the text. My phone signals my car is here and I turn up the rest of my champagne and rush down the stairs.

Lucky for me, I get a driver who doesn't speak and leaves his headphones in the whole, awkward ride. Finn is waiting for me on the curb of The End. Noah Sebastian is stood next to him, he smirks at me as uses both hands to push his hair behind his ears.

Finn lifts me off the ground and spins me in a circle. Noah holds his arms out signaling he wants a hug as well, but I roll my eyes at him. I could barely tolerate Finn hugging me, getting hugs from strangers was very weird to me.

"Where's your boyfriend, Delaney?" Noah asks. He says my name like it's an insult. He drags it out a little too long and with a little too much condescension.

"None of your business, Noah," I retort, I say his name with more disdain than I meant to. He really gets under my skin. Who does he think he is? Why does he even care?

Finn shoots Noah a look and drags me to the bar. I order a glass of whiskey, neat, because it's going to be a long night. "Are you playing all of your shows with them?" I ask, taking a sip of the sweet liquid.

Finn laughs at me before answering. "Yes, Lanes, Why do you hate Noah so much?" 

"He's an arrogant, smug asshole," I scoff at him. "Furthermore, why is he so tall?  It's obnoxious.  I bet he's lip-syncing.  No one sounds that good live."

"Tell me how you really feel, darling," Noah says next to my ear, much to close and a shiver runs down my spine.  I tell myself the shiver was because I was creeped out.  Who gets that close to someone they don't know?

"Don't you have a show to play?" I ask, turning to face him. He's still too close, and smirking at me. His face falls a fraction before laughing, two creases appear by his mouth. Noah has an embarrassing laugh, it's loud and abrupt.  I feel embarrassed for him, but he doesn't seem phased by how loud it is.

"I'll be watching for you in the crowd, sweet cheeks," Noah winks before walking off.

"That's sexist, you ass!" I cry after him. Finn, who has been watching the whole exchange has a small smile and is shaking his head. "What?!" I snap at him, I don't even notice that I've already finished my drink.

"You can practically cut the sexual tension with a knife," he tells me, and I laugh. Sexual tension? I want to punch that guy, not kiss him.

"I have a boyfriend," I tell Finn, like he doesn't know.

"For now," he singsongs as he walks backstage.

I take my time getting another drink before going and mingling with a few friends, when it's time for Noah to go on stage I go hide in the bathroom for most of the set. I do catch the last two songs, and he's just as good as he was last week. Something tells me there's not anything he can't do. Finn's band is best, but I have a biased opinion. When the show is over, I don't want to go home to my empty apartment. I'm closing out my tab anyway, because I can't stay here.

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