19) Cute

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"A bookstore?" Woonhak questioned once Jaehyun abruptly stopped in the middle of their conversation and walk and went to open the door for the younger.

"Yeah... I hope that's alright, I know it's nothing fancy but I was kind of trying to go for one of those aesthetic dates, where you get coffee and go to a bookstore." Jaehyun answered a little frantically while realizing how silly his date idea must have seemed.

"No, it's very fancy! Knowing you I thought you'd take me to a McDonald's or something." Woonhak joked which put Jaehyun at ease from hearing the younger small giggles.

"Oh, well then, shall we start our fancy date?" Jaehyun smiled as he continued to lead Woonhak into the small yet charming bookstore.

Woonhak nodded with a joyful smirk as they headed inside. They were then immediately greeted by a small old lady behind the front counter. Her energy seemed warm and inviting, like one of a grandmother's, which made them both feel welcomed.

The boys then continued walking through the store but in reality, it was just Woonhak walking and looking around while Jaehyun just followed him like a lost puppy, even though he was the one that brought them here. Jaehyun remembered that Woonhak used to like reading sometimes so he thought the younger might like to visit a bookstore, even though Jaehyun had no idea if he still liked to read or what he, himself would do there.

"I'm kind of shocked you took me to a bookstore, I remember you used to avoid reading like the plague. What made you change your mind?" Woonhak asked mindlessly as he scand the selves for something interesting.

"You," Jaehyun answered with no hesitation.

"Me?" Woonhak finally looked away from the selves and into Jaehyun's sparkling eyes, which made him feel instant butterflies.

"Yes, I mean I still avoid it but sometimes if it's interesting enough I'll read it and reading kind of reminded me of you so..." Jaehyun answered shyly knowing that it was a partial lie but he didn't want Woonhak to think he was still a baby that refuses to read a book so he bluffed a little.

"Oh good, I'm glad I influenced you." Woonhak smiled as he continued walking while trying to hide his small blush.

As they looked, Woonhak finally found something worth reading and sat down on the floor, in the corner of the store, where he had found the book. "Are you going to read it here?" Jaehyun questioned.

"I'm just reading the first few pages to see if I like it or not," Woonhak answered as he continued reading.

"Oh, ok." Jaehyun nodded as he awkwardly hovered above the younger. He then pretended to look around a little bit but he ended up just staring at Woonhak. The younger just looked so adorable, his concentrated face was so precious and he looked so cute while being crisscrossed on the floor and wedged in the corner. Jaehyun almost couldn't help but admire him and he wanted to save the moment.

So he quickly and sneakily pulled out his phone to get a picture. "Cute." He mumbled to himself.

"What?" Woonhak asked as he wiped his head up to look at the elder.

Jaehyun then quickly slipped his phone back into his pocket before answering. "Oh, I was just saying that you're cute." He smiled insistently.

Woonhak rolled his eyes as he stood up from his spot on the floor. "You're silly." he shook his head.

"What do you not think you're cute, Woonnie?" Jaehyun teased in a baby voice while reaching to pinch Woonhak's cheeks.

Woonhak tried to act cool while brushing off Jaehyun's hands and handing out another eye roll, just before walking off but of course, his blush still gave him away.

"Aww, are you blushing?" Jaehyun teased again while he followed the latter to the front counter.

"No." Woonhak snipped as he handed the book to the elderly woman they had greeted earlier.

"You two are both cute." The elderly lady suddenly chimed in, catching them both off guard for a second.

"Thank you!" Jaehyun then smiled and thanked her in an extra sweet voice that definitely melted the elderly woman's heart and made her day.


The boys finished paying and took another small stroll through town before reaching their next destination. It was a café of course, just like Jaehyun had said earlier.

They decided to sit at one of the tables outside since the water wasn't too bad. It was a cute little café and the lively area was entertaining. They even took some pictures of the pretty scenery and each other. The autumn air was fresh and the warm scent of coffee felt comforting. But the most comfortable thing by far was each other company. The two boys just sat in silence for a while and it wasn't uncomfortable at all. They had missed out on so many years of comfy silences, so if anything it was needed.

Eventually, Woonhak spoke up after a while of staring off into the distance. "Jaehyun..."

"Yes?" Jaehyun reapplied while turning his gaze back to the younger.

"Have you ever been on a date before, you know like in America?" He asked which made Jaehyun chuckle a little at the sudden question.

"Um, yeah I did." The elder answered before taking another sip of his coffee.

"Oh..." Woonhak looked away, realizing he made a mistake by asking this question.

"It was a girl too," Jaehyun added which caught Woonhak's attention and made his head whip back toward the elder. "My friends were pressuring me a lot and I wasn't ready to come out or anything. Also, I kind of wanted to know what's with all the hype about being straight. But as I expected it was boring, she kept fluttering her lashes at me and following me around while I felt nothing." He explained, making the younger slightly relieved.

"Oh," Woonhak said again but this time with a little more pep in his voice.

"What are you happy I had a bad date?" Jaehyun jokingly scoffed.

Woonhak giggled before avoiding eye contact with the elder and looking away yet again. "No, I just-"

"Just what, huh?" Jaehyun tried to tease once he noticed the younger had stopped himself mid-sentence but then he saw how Woonhak's face turned pale like a ghost as he stared off into the distance. "Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asked as he followed Woonhak's eye line.

"Shit, we gotta go." Woonhak panicked, leaving the elder confused.

"Why?" He asked, still clueless about the situation.

"Leehan and Taesan are over there," Woonhak explained frantically as he took the last sip of his coffee and threw down what looked like more than enough to pay for their bill, before dragging Jaehyun out of his seat.

"Oh- crap- ok." Jaehyun panicked a bit too as he got dragged along.

Once they started speed walking away Woonhak grabbed onto Jaehyun's hand for dear life as if the elder couldn't catch up. It seemed like a desperate and mindless move by the younger but it still managed to make Jaehyun's heart flutter.

When Woonhak noticed that their hands started to slip apart he interlocked their fingers, tightening his grip and leaving Jaehyun a blushing mess. "Maybe we should almost get caught by Leehan more often," Jaehyun muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Woonhak asked as he leaned his ear towards Jaehyun while they were still speed walking.

"Nothing!" He slightly yelled which made the younger flinch and look behind them to see if they were caught but the cost was clear.

Although being caught by Leehan might be a bad thing for Woonhak, it really didn't matter to Jaehyun. I mean he cares about the younger feeling in all of this of course but he definitely wouldn't mind being open with Woonhak for everyone to see. Especially if it means they get to hold hands in public, like right now.



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