6) Practice kiss

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"a gift," Eunchae whispered before leaning in for a kiss.

All of a sudden time stopped. Woonhak froze and it was like Eunchae was moving in slow motion. A wave of anxiety rushed through Woonhak like a cold breeze, he had no idea what to do.

Just as Eunchae was only centimetres away from crashing into Woonhak's unprepared lips, he turned his head to the side. "Um, I-" Woonhak stuttered as he stared at the floor beside him.

Eunchae was left with her lips still perked in a fish-like manner as she slowly stepped back. "Um, sorry." Eunchae apologized as she grabbed the strap of her bag and fixed her hair.

"No, um I just need to get going now, it's getting kind of late." Woonhak tried to change the topic while nervously scratching the back of his neck.

"Oh... Do you want a ride, my mom's going to pick me up." Eunchae offered as a last-ditch attempt to save the answered moment.

"No, it's ok, I'm just going to take the bus, my house is not far from here." Woonhak rejected her offer as he took a few steps back. "Bye Eunchae and thanks for today."

"Goodbye..." The confused girl said with a small defeated wave as she watched Woonhak speed walk away. "And I'm sorry." She whispered.


By the time Woonhak got home the only person he wanted to see was Jaehyun. Jaehyun always knew the right thing to say or do. He would know how to handle this situation.

But what kind of situation is this? It's not that Woonhak isn't interested in Eunchae, he just wasn't ready to kiss her. But that also confused him more, it's not like kissing is rocket science, so why did he feel so uncertain, uneasy almost?

Just as the perplexed boy stumbled his way up the stairs, towards his room, he ran into his mother. "Oh, Woonnie you're home? How was your day?" Mrs Kim asked with a sincere smile.

"Yeah, um it was... Ok." Woonhak answered simply, not even knowing how he could possibly elaborate his thoughts to his mother at the moment.

"Just ok?" She asked with a raised eyebrow while only earning a small nod in response. "Alright, well Jaehyun has already gone to bed so you better go join him. It's still a school night, remember?" Mrs Kim smiled as she dismissed Woonhak's vague response and silence.

"I remember, good night Mom." Woonhak tried to smile back but it just came out as a stiff unnatural line.

"Goodnight sweetheart." His mother finally left leaving him alone in the upstairs hallway.

Woonhak then marched over to his bedroom and swung his door open. "Jaehyun, I'm back," The younger stated as he closed the door behind him and whipped off his school blazer he had been wearing all day.

Despite Woonhak being extra loud, Jaehyun didn't budge. He was already in his pyjamas, lying under the covers, facing the wall, in silence. Woonhak figured he must be sleeping but that didn't matter. Jaehyun gets enough sleep already, he can miss a few minutes to help the younger.

"Hey Jaehyun, wake up," Woonhak whispered softly as he gently rubbed the elder's shoulder. "Jaehyun wake up please, I need to talk to you," Woonhak asked again while seating himself beside him on the bed.

Although Jaehyun looked like he was out cold, he had actually been up the whole time. He wasn't able to fall asleep, how could he? His heart just got broken into a million pieces and he can't even be mad, he doesn't have the right to be.

"Jaehyun?" Woonhak tried one last time, his voice now sounding sadder, almost hopeless.

Jaehyun's heart almost broke again, if possible. He really didn't feel like talking to him right now but he couldn't even imagine leaving Woonhak in this state of distress. "Hmm..." He finally gave in.

Dear Woonhak ✿ Jaehyun x Woonhak Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz