I see you

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Jimin groaned as he rolled onto his stomach only to be stopped by a warm body next to him.
His eyes shot open and he saw the sleeping face of the male who had pleasured him so much last night then he realised light was coming into the room.
He sat up to see the time.
Damn it he shouldn't have slept here last night what if someone caught him sneaking from the room?
Hurriedly sliding from the bed he searched for his clothes putting them on then with a glimpse at Jungkook he went out and hurried to his room,quickly showering and packing a duffle bag for practice then going down to the restaurant.
"Jimin over here!"
Two of the girls were there so Jimin sat with them and ordered what they did.
"Cream cheese and salmon bagels are the best don't you think Jimin?"
"My first time trying but they are good,I wouldn't have known what to order I don't understand the menu."
"Neither did we but this app scans the code and will translate it."
Jimin put the app on his phone glad he wouldn't look so foolish next time he ordered.
One by one the rest traipsed into the restaurant ordering quickly as the minibus would arrive soon.
"Oh god my head,I drank to much"
"I told you not to,the drinks are strong here!"
"What did you do last night Jimin?"
"Er,I ate here then went in the gym...then.....er to bed"
Hobi walked in,
"The bus is here come on,Jungkook will be coming in a bit."
They stood up grabbing various bags and went to the bus.
Arriving at the stage they were to perform on,Jimin suddenly realised just how many people would be watching.
"Large isn't it,and sold out,just treat it like you do at practice........let's warm up eh? Hobi said " hopefully Jungkook will arrive soon."
"Er is he ok?"
"Forgot to set his alarm but don't tell the others that!"
Jimin felt guilty,he should have woken the other,after all he knew what the time was.
"Come on Jimin concentrate...."
"Oh sorry...."
Jimin hurried to the line up and soon they learned their dance space and got the routine down.
"Sorry I'm late guys forgot my alarm and didn't have anyone warm next to me to wake me up!"
Laughter came from the others but Jimin felt his cheeks redden. He went over to his bag to get a bottle of water.
"Someone was eager to leave?"
A voice said quietly behind him.
Jimin turned to see Jungkook staring at him questioningly .
Jimin glanced quickly around relieved to see everyone was busy.
"I didn't think you'd want anyone to know I was in your room....i should have woken you,sorry."
"Jimin....your not a dirty little secret that needs to be hidden away!"
"B-but your fans,your management ?"
"My manager knows I'm bi, my fans if they are true fans should accept me as I am."
"Are you ready over there Jungkook?" Hobi yelled
With a last look Jungkook turned and went to Hobi and for the next two hours they practiced for the concert that night.
The minibus took them back to the hotel and they were told to eat and rest before being picked up later.
Jimin didn't know if he could eat he felt that nervous.
He went to his room sitting on the bed twisting his hands nervously.
There was a knock on the door and when he opened a waiter stood there with a food trolley.
"Oh I think you have the wrong...."
"Great it's arrived thanks."
Jungkook breezed in tipping the waiter and closing the door.
"I knew it....you haven't eaten,here help me put it all on the table."
Jimin gaped open mouthed as the other piled the table up.
"Eat up..."
Jungkook sat down looking at Jimin who did the same before taking the lids of to fried chicken,rice and kimchi.
"You can't miss meals you won't keep your stamina up.Eat..."
Jimin obediently did so
Making pleasurable moans as the food satisfied his taste buds.
Jungkook ate and watched the other who eventually sat back stuffed.
"I can't move," he groaned
"Go and lay down then.."
Jungkook placed everything back on the trolley and wheeled it to the door.
"Thanks ," Jimin said sleepily as he heard the door open then close.
The next minute the mattress dipped and his eyes shot open.
"What are you doing?!?!"
"I'm cuddling my baby now hush up and sleep,"
Jungkook spooned against Jimin wrapping his arm around his waist.
Jimin felt protected but his natural worrying made him ask,
"Is this ok though?"
"It's more than ok now hush up before I change my mind and I get to hear those pretty moans come from your mouth through pleasure not food!"
Jimin stopped immediately giving into the warmth and contentness he felt.
Hours later warm kisses on his face had him waking.
"I gotta go,Hobi is bound to come to my room looking for me,we leave in an hour ok?"
Jimin nodded watching as the other left then he swung his legs of the bed and showered blow dried his hair and got ready going down to the foyer where they would all meet.
"Guys fans are out there just smile and get in the bus,Jungkook and I will go in a car," Hobi said
Jungkook stepped from the lift looking every inch the idol. He walked with his bodyguards out the front.
"Jungkook,we love you"
"I want to be the mother of your babies!!"
"Kookie be mine!!"
The screaming fans tried to push their way through but Jungkook and Hobi got in the car quickly and drove off.
The dancers hurried out cameras flashing at them.
"Crazy..!" One of them muttered
They arrived everyone got changed into their first outfit and warmed up.
Jungkook stepped out onto the stage and a loud roar went up from the screaming fans.
"Hello everyone,I'm Jungkook and tonight's the first of our three concerts here,I'm very glad you allowed me to come back and entertain you....so let's get this show on the road......!"
The music started and the dancers stepped up and the evening began.
Jimin found it to be such a thrill,jungkook introduced the dancers to the fans and there was a lot of cheering.
As it came to the time Jimin was to dance he rushed of stage changing quickly into the all white outfit.
Jungkook had been rambling on about what a good crowd they were and were they enjoying it?
Jimin stepped quietly onto the stage in the dark his heart pounding.
"And now folks for a little treat,especially for you all please welcome back jimin to the stage with a little modern dance,so give him a warm welcome....Jimin everyone!"
The spotlight swung off Jungkook and went on Jimin and the music started.
Jungkook rushed down changing quickly so he could sit down and watch Jimin's performance
He'd seen him practice of course but watching now on a full stage dressed up he couldn't take his eyes off him.
"Good isn't he?" Tae said from beside him
"Where did you spring from?"
"Well I am your personal assistant!"
"Mine oh I thought you were Suga's !" Jungkook smirked.
"Like you want to be Jimins?"
Jungkook looked up sharply
"Oh don't give me that look,you're always searching him out and he wasn't in his room last night,I checked when we got back because I felt bad leaving him."
"So why do you think he was with me?" Jungkook said cagily.
"Because although he will deny it he still likes you from years ago and today he looks happy,really happy."
"Jungkook...two minutes"the stagehand called
Jungkook stood up to go but stopped as Tae said,
"Don't hurt him,his parents belittle who he is the whole time,they don't see the beautiful person he is...."
Jungkook rushed off getting to the stage as Jimin finished.
There was loud applause which made Jimin smile shyly then the spotlight swung back to Jungkook.
"Thank you Jimin,what a talent eh guys"
Loud cheers came from the audience
"And he can sing too!"
Jimin rushing to change heard the words surprised,this part was to allow him to catch a breath and change and let Jungkook interact with the audience.
"So what do you think of my back up dancers? You know they train so hard they make me look lazy!I hope you appreciate them as much as I do,it gets lonely up here you know!what's that? You'll come keep me company? I don't think there's enough room up here for you all! So let's get on,here's a little number I think you'll recognise......"
Music started and the dancers appeared mimicking Jungkooks movements,the crowd were singing along and the whole atmosphere made Jimin smile,this is the best day he thought.
The show eventually finished to rapturous applause.
"Thanks everyone,the restaurant at the hotel has agreed to stay open for us so let's go have a celebratory meal!" Jungkook announced.
Jimin went to make his way to the minibus with the others but Tae grabbed his hand saying loudly,
"Jimin come with us I haven't spoken to you all day,"
He pulled Jimin to the large vip car Jungkook had got in.
"Get in Jimin before fans mob us"
Jimin hurried in,Tae had taken a seat at the back with Suga who smiled so Jimin had to sit next to Jungkook.
"I'm sorry....Tae er...."
"Jimin I won't eat you.....we'll not at the moment anyway...." Muffled laughs came from the back.
Jimin couldn't stop the blush that came to his face.
He glared at Jungkook who tried to look innocent.
"You shouldn't say things like that with others around they might think......"
"Oh they know how I feel about you,it's just you who has to realise it,I see you for who you are and I want to get to know that person better."
"Jimin put yourself first for once," Tae encouraged
Jimin turned to his friend and Suga who gave the thumbs up and nodded then he looked back at Jungkook leaning over and claiming his lips suddenly to catcalls and whistles from the back and a muttered
"Fuck now I'm hard!" From Jungkook.
"Let's go eat I'm starving!" Jimin said happily
"So am I but not for food!"
Jimin slapped his arm," behave yourself you sound like a Randy teenager,"
"But you made me Randy!!!" Jungkook whined
"Oh boy this is gonna be fun!" Suga murmured as Jimin sat back in his seat hands crossed lightly across his chest while Jungkook fidgeted in his seat.

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