20. Struggles

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My tiny room was carved in gold and white, like a royalty. I felt like a piece of rubbish in this tiny but yet very beautiful room. Everything was too neat and perfect, like it was telling me that I didn't belong here.

I unpack my things in complete quietness, folding neatly every piece of clothing that I had brought with me here. Which wasn't much.

The bed took like half of the room here, it was white but the sheets had a tinge of gold. I enjoyed the elegant design of it. It came to mind that here I would have my best sleeps in the whole world. My hand brushes the fabric, felt too soft to be real.

The huge bed was just laying in the middle of the room, and on its right side was a cute nightstand. It was white, but all the corners were dipped in shiny gold.

On the left side was a tall magnificent looking lamp. The stick separated in three different directions, one for the left and two for the right where the bed was. All of the separate sticks curved into cymes, and on top of them all was a baby pink mixed with gold lamps. But the lamps were all in shape of flowers, lily of the valley. They were beautiful and looked fragile. I was afraid to touch them, just in case they might break. So I decide that it's probably best to leave them alone.

I wonder if the girls who had to share a room would be jealous for me now. But they had friends with, I guess they just had fun. But me, in here, it didn't feel as torturous as I expected. I actually felt pretty comfortable in my own little world.

And Fox was next door, so I wasn't even that alone. I got lucky.

I check out the bathroom lastly, it was surprisingly big and classy. For my greatest surprise I found a bathtub there. It had funny detailing, gold legs carved as tiger's paws. I decided to have a bath as soon as I get the chance.

But otherwise the room seemed pretty normal, nothing too extraordinary.


I change into a cute off-shoulder sweater, and flared jeans. Looks great, and my thighs finally had a gap in them.

I leave my room, just my phone and the keys with me. It takes four knobs before Fox opens the door for me, and I step into his room. Which definitely wasn't as amazing as mine was, I really did get lucky.

"Woah." I say looking around, but now from awe. His bed wasn't nearly quite as big as mine was, and everything was just plain white without even a hint of gold. It all looked boring, at least the lamp was designed like mine was. "My room was a lot more... glamorous."

"Really?" Fox asks.

"Yeah, come see after dinner." I say and Fox smiles as a response.

He goes to the bathroom to change and I take a better look at the room, but there was nothing special. The only huge difference was that he had a huge ticking clock on the wall, which showed that we were already five minutes late from the dinner. Mr. Perry would probably get mad, but it was the least of my concerns right now.

"Are you ready?" I yell to Fox, and he steps out wearing a basic black T-shirt with loose jeans. "Seriously?" I ask.

"What?" He asks and gazes at me.

"Don't you have anything else? We're going to a restaurant not a school lunch." I say.

"Oh." Is all he mutters out and I flick my tongue.

"Where's your closet?" I ask and he points me his unpacked bag. "Can I look?" I ask.

"Sure." He says and so I start to dig through his dozen pair of shirts until I find a navy Raulph Lauren sweater.

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