10. Argument

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I begin my safe cycle that I had been doing for the past two weeks now. I eat breakfast, go to school and try to focus. But nothing makes sense anymore and it shows in my results.

Biology coming next, I'm a little excited about it since then I'll see Fox. He made me feel a bit better usually.

"Hey." I greet him, taking a seat next to him. Our project still wasn't finished so we started to work with it right away. We were soon distracted by mr Perry coming to our class, smiling like he had something great planned.

"What is he planning again?" Fox asks with a heavy sigh.

"Maybe he wants us to get some new acids from the lab, since the last time we did so well there." I whisper to him with a smirk.

"Yeah, we could definitely test some new acids on my skin too." He continues my joke. We both laugh at that until mr. Perry shushes us to be quiet.

"Hi class, if you could stop working on your projects for five minutes now. I have something important to say." Mr. Perry starts smiling that bad-news smile.

We glance at each other with Fox, both wondering what the heck would this lead to.

"So, I've been planning on a trip for you guys for a while. You all know that Germany is one of the top countries in biology and chemistry. It's way ahead of any other country, except for China."

"What the hell. What trip?" Fox mutters and we glance at each other again, my confusion is reflected at his eyes.

"So, we decided that it would be a great opportunity to plan a trip for this extra biology course. I know how hard you all study this subject so I think it's fair due to the extra work you do. The covers are all taken care of by Germany sponsors since they want to grow their business too." Mr. Perry keeps explaining, making me even more confused.

"He wants to take us to Germany? I can't just go to Germany?" I shake my head in disbelief. What the fuck was this idea?

"You can 'just go to Germany', and since it's part of this course now, you kind of have to. But I promise it's going to be fun!" The teacher says and smiles brightly.

"I don't want to go?" I whisper at Fox.

"I don't really think we have much choices." Fox says and glances at me, he doesn't look excited either.

The main thing is: I don't have a single friend except for Fox in this class. And he has his own friend group here, so he probably doesn't want to be with me the whole time. I prefer to be alone in classes since that way I can work better but in a trip? It would be awkward to be all by myself the whole time.

"How long are we going to be there?" Someone asks behind me.

"Five days, four nights. So we can learn as much as possible!" Mr Perry cheers.

"Five?!" I whisper-yell. I can't be that long, what about my weight loss? What if someone notices my eating habits or I faint or... i don't know but that sounds like literal hell.

"Shit." Fox whispers and I bang my head to the table. I don't want to go. "You okay?" He asks after I don't pull my head back up. I was too tired to leave to fucking Germany to learn some shit. Didn't I have enough problems in my life already?

"Yea." I mutter, completely lying.


"No way!" Abby yells out when I tell them what mr. Perry decided to do.

"I'm so jealous." Dahlia sighs and puts her head to Leo's shoulder.

"Jealous?! I don't want to go!" I argue.

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