Chapter 3: I still love him

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"Seriously Emma? This was your idea?" Kelly inquired, her voice dripping with sarcasm as she narrowed her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. The corners of her lips turned downward in annoyance. 

"Yes, Kelly. You should go on blind dates to take your mind off Ethan for a while, don't you think?" Emma's eyes lit up with excitement, a mischievous glimmer dancing within them, her smile growing wider as she spoke. 

"I think that is a great idea," Gabe's voice rang out with happiness as he placed his large, reassuring hand on Kelly's shoulder, his touch both comforting and supportive.

"I really don't want to do it," she murmured softly, her gaze drifting away to avoid confrontation.

"I'll come with you if you want, but I'll seat in a corner, okay?" Gabe offered and he smiled widely, revealing his faint dimple that always made Kelly feel better. With a nod and a reciprocated smile, she silently conveyed her gratitude. 

"Y'all be making me seem like the third wheel, off to meet Max." Emma teased, waving goodbye with a mischievous grin. As she departed, Kelly and Gabe were left to look for the perfect clothes for Kelly, but didn't have to look much, because Kelly's clothes were all over the place.


Kelly's heart sank as she stepped into Joe's restaurant, the very place where her heart had been shattered two days before. Disappointment tugged at her, overshadowing any hope for her blind date. She braced herself for what was to come, convinced that nothing he could say would pique her interest.

Just as she settled into her thoughts, a voice broke through the din of the restaurant. "Hey, I'm Ezekiel," he introduced himself, his words carrying a warmth that caught her attention. Kelly's gaze shifted towards him, taking in his presence. Ezekiel stood a little shorter than her, his slick black hair elegantly brushed back. With a gentle gesture, he invited her to take a seat, his eyes gleaming with genuine kindness.

"Okay, I guess it's nice to meet you too," Kelly muttered, her smile fading almost instantly. As Ezekiel began to delve into his life, sharing details about his job and personal experiences, Kelly's mind drifted away, disengaged from the conversation.

Lost in her own thoughts, Kelly barely registered Ezekiel's puzzled expression as he interrupted his monologue. "Errm... Kelly, I believe a conversation is meant to be two-sided," he mumbled, confusion evident on his face.

"Oh... I'm sorry, I..." Kelly's words trailed off as her ears recognized the unmistakable voice that had haunted her for days. It was him, the one who had callously dumped her at this very restaurant. Her heart raced as she turned her head, her eyes meeting his across the room.

Ethan? What on earth was he doing here? Kelly's mind raced with a whirlwind of possibilities. Could he have come to apologize and win her back? A mischievous smile tugged at her lips as she entertained the thought, eagerly awaiting his approach.

"Hey, Kelly," Ethan greeted, his eyes briefly scanning the table before settling on someone at the other end. "Looks like you're on a date, huh? That's nice."

Kelly shrugged nonchalantly, not wanting to give him the wrong impression. "Oh, it's not really a date, just hanging out," she replied, trying to downplay the situation. But before she could dwell on his presence any longer, a woman with wavy blonde hair and a body shape that every woman dreams to have appeared by Ethan's side, intertwining her fingers with his. Who was she?

"Babe, what are you doing here?" Ethan's words cut through the air, and Kelly's heart sank even further than it had when he ended their relationship.

"Kelly, meet my girlfriend!" he announced, his words landing like a heavy blow. The world seemed to spin around her as the reality of the situation sank in. The pain of his betrayal surpassed anything she had felt before. All she could think of was the song "traitor" by Olivia Rodrigo.

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