Chapter 42- Exercise superpowers

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"Help, I can't get out." Xu Fang tried his best to pull out, but no matter how he turned or changed the angle, his head was firmly stuck inside.

"I just walked in without any hindrance at all." Xu Fang couldn't figure it out.

Grandma Wu laughed and came over to help him, pressing his bald head and pushing him out. After pushing for a long time, Xu Fang couldn't help shouting that it hurt, but he still didn't get out.

"I won't just hang here forever?" Xu Fang's eyes were horrified.

Shen Xiuze, who had been persuading Lin An just now, looked at the bare head speechlessly, stood up slowly, bent down and walked towards him.

"Boss, help." Xu Fang begged for help pitifully.

Shen Xiuze pulled out the cold knife from his waist, squinted his eyes and said to him sullenly, "You should be able to get out if you cut off your ears and nose." The

coldness of the knife so close at hand was overwhelming, and even Can you see the patterns on the blade? You can see it clearly. Xu Fang swallowed his saliva and said to himself: "No, no, no. Without my ears and nose, wouldn't I just be a braised egg? I'll try again." Try, let me try again."

But before he could try again, Shen Xiuze picked up the knife, pointed the tip at him, and then stabbed him hard.


A few minutes later, Xu Fang sat in the tree house, moving his neck constantly. Shen Xiuze cut out a small strip of the wooden window, and he could successfully get through from the inside. come out.

"Thank you, boss. I'm finally comfortable."

Ouyang Dong is killing zombies alone below. There are plants around and on the ground. He can exert his maximum ability here, and he can clean up the swarming zombies by himself. , he waited until this wave of zombies was almost dealt with before he went up.

Before entering the tree house, ridicules floated in: "Hahahaha, you are so stupid, you can actually get stuck in the window. If I didn't have a mobile phone now, I would take some photos of you." Usually, he is surrounded by all kinds of things.

Ouyang Dong was always the one being laughed at when it came to animals and plants. Now that he had finally seized the opportunity, he naturally wanted to repay the bald man who laughed at him the most every time.

Xu Fang frowned and said angrily: "The window is too small, otherwise I wouldn't be able to get stuck there." "You

have a big head, so why

blame the window?" Xu Fang pointed in disbelief. He said to himself: "I have a big head? I have shaved my head now and I still have a big head. You have a big head? At least I can still get through this window, but you can't even get in!" The two of them were talking

. Then there was a quarrel over the issue of big heads and small heads. Shen Xiuze was too lazy to pay attention to these two guys. They could quarrel over such boring things.

Grandma Wu and Wu Duo were laughing and watching the show. After all, the night was boring, so just watching the two quarrel was quite interesting and could pass the time.

Lin An was the only one with a nervous look on his face, looking at this and that, trying to break up the fight, but couldn't even get a word in, so he could only look at them anxiously.

"You have a small head. Your head is as small as a toothpick. Where are you going? Give it a try. Your words will definitely not get stuck." Xu Fang provoked.

Ouyang Dong rolled up his sleeves: "Just try it, whoever is afraid of whom."

He walked to the window that Xu Fang had stuck before, and successfully stretched his head out: "Look, look, how do you think?"

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