Chapter 3

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Update after a long time so recap:

Ishaan and Gautami are spouses, while Abhyudaya and Divya are in a romantic relationship. Gautami receives a summons from Jupiter Hospital, necessitating her and Ishaan's presence there.

They went to the room and Ishaan was shocked as hell on seeing the patient...

Ishaan- Gautami, what are we doing here? Who is she?

Gautami- Don't act like you don't know anything.

Ishaan- Listen Gautami, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I love you. I was going to tell you about this.

Gautami- Just stop Ishaan. What's the point of explaining? I TRUSTED YOU. The only person I trusted in the whole world just because my parents weren't worthy of trust. I was wrong again. Nobody in this world, in this universe, deserves any- anyone's trust. (her voice choked)

Tears rolled down her cheeks even when she tried to control them. Maintaining a calm posture, she went in the room with Ishaan, where Divya was present.

Divya- Ish-Ishaan what are y-you doing here?

Ishaan- Gautami can we please leave?

Gautami- Hi Divya, the father of your baby is Ishaan right?

Ishaan- What the-? Divya, you are pregnant? Why didn't you tell me?

Divya- I was scared. I have a boyfriend.

Gautami- Wow. (she fake laughed with tears in her eyes) You guys are UNBELIEVABLE. And does he know?

Divya- Know what?

Gautami- That he is NOT the father of your baby?

Divya- Not yet. But please don't tell him. He'll kill me if he knew.

Gautami- I don't even want to stand with you disgusting people. (saying that, she left the room)

Ishaan tried to follow her, but Divya stopped her by saying that she wanted to talk.

As Gautami came out of the room, she bumped into a man, wearing a black suit.

Gautami- I'm sorry.

Locking eyes with him, she gazed up for a brief but intense 5 seconds. The man was Abhyudaya. Breaking the eye contact, he entered the room, while Gautami remained outside.

Abhi- (to Ishaan) Hi, who are you?

Ishaan- (to Divya) I think we should tell him. (Divya nodded negatively, but he was hesitant and finally told Abhi everything)

Abhyudaya's world crumbled as he discovered that Divya had betrayed their relationship through infidelity. The excitement of expecting a baby was overshadowed by the devastating realization that trust had been broken, leaving him torn between the joy of impending parenthood and the heartbreak of a shattered relationship.

Ishaan- But don't worry man, you can have the baby, it's all yours. (he said casually)

Abhi- And how many times have you met up?

Divya- I'm sorry Abhi, I didn't mean to- (she was interrupted by Abhyudaya)

Abhi- HOW MANY TIMES DID YOU MEET UP? (he screamed)

Divya- 4-5 times

Abhi- When did you even meet up? You were with me all the nights Divya.

Ishaan- We met once before our business trip.

Divya- And there was no business trip. We had gone together to a trip. I'm so sorry Abhi, I shouldn't have lied- (she started crying)

Abhi- Shut up! Just shut the f up for God's sake.

Ishaan exited the room, realizing that a private conversation was unfolding. Spotting Gautami, who was holding her head in distress, he approached. Tearfully, she glanced up at him with red eyes, bearing the weight of immense pain. Despite Ishaan's attempt to offer comfort through a hug, she resisted, pushing him away.

They went back home, not even looking at each other, or talking.

At Gautami's place,

Gautami- I need some space from you. I can't do this anymore.

Ishaan- Gautami listen, we can work through this. Please forgive me, I made a mistake.

In silence, Gautami retrieved pillows and a blanket, her actions indicating a decision to distance herself. Without verbalizing any explanation, she relocated to another room. This move was swift, leaving Ishaan without a chance to respond. The closing of the door, both physically and emotionally, became apparent as she locked it, further emphasizing her desire for solitude.

Now seated again, the gravity of her contemplation unfolded. In this moment of reflection, tears flowed freely down Gautami's cheeks, revealing the profound emotional turmoil she was experiencing. The unspoken complexity of the situation was palpable, and the tears served as poignant expressions of her inner struggles and conflicts.

Despite feeling the urge to end her life amidst the unfolding chaos, she managed to maintain composure and made her way to the kitchen. Ishaan noticed her departure as his room's door was open.

Ishaan- Gautami, please just listen to me. Gautami! I'm sorry!

She disregarded him entirely and proceeded to the kitchen to retrieve a sizable knife. Afterward, she stormed into Ishaan's room and seized him by the collar.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? YOU SON OF A BI*CH! I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU," she screamed at the dead body, lying in a pool of blood, with a knife in her hand.

I didn't post this chapter earlier even when I had written it because I thought it was a trash update. Tum log hi batao yaar. <3

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