Chapter 2

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"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME? YOU SON OF A BI*CH! I WISH I HAD NEVER MET YOU," she screamed at the dead body, lying in a pool of blood, with a knife in her hand.

At Gautami's place,

It was 3 o'clock at night and her and Ishaan were fast asleep. She was suddenly woken up by Ishaan's phone beeping. She decided to go and check who it was.

Gautami- Hello?

Person- Hello, is this Ishaan Shetty's phone number?

Gautami- Yes this is his wife, who is this?

Person- I'm talking from the Jupiter hospital. I wanted to tell you something about Ishaan...
...that's what had happened.

Gautami- What? But it- it's not possible. (her voice cracked)

Person- I'm sorry ma'am, but I suggest you talk to him and come meet us at the hospital.

Gautami- Okay bye.

Overwhelmed by emotions, she couldn't contain her sorrow, and tears streamed down her face. In that moment, it felt as though the world beyond her had crumbled, leaving her in the wreckage of her own heartache.

In the meantime, Ishaan woke up.

Ishaan- Gautami, what happened? Why are you crying? (he went to hug her)

Gautami- Nothing.

Ishaan- Tell me yaar, what happened?

Gautami- Come with me to the hospital tomorrow, everything will make sense. (she ceased shedding tears and managed to compose herself)

Ishaan- Okay but stop crying, you're scaring me.

They both went to sleep but Gautami couldn't get herself to sleep. She was facing mixed emotions, including anger, sorrow and anxiety. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she thought about that moment.

Gautami- (in mind) Why is this happening to me? I just want some peace and can't handle this anymore. What's even the point of being alive?

She couldn't stop crying. Sleep took over in a few minutes and she woke up in the morning with a headache.

At the Jupiter hospital,

Gautami- Hi, we're here to see patient xyz.

Ishaan- (in mind) Oh no! How the hell does she know about this?

Receptionist- We can't give room numbers to anyone. Could you please tell me your name and relationship with the patient?

Gautami- Umm someone at your hospital called us yesterday on his phone. Ishaan Shetty.

Receptionist- Oh yeah, the patient is in room number 25.

Gautami- Thank you.

They went to the room and Ishaan was shocked as hell on seeing the patient...

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