A little present 🎁✨

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Hi guys!!!! Update!!
We went up to 13k!!! Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm woken up by the loud sound of my phone's ringtone. I pull myself up slowly and realize a sleeping Rose is in my way towards the nightstand. I manage to turn it off without waking Rose up and lay back down on my chest.

When I'm about to close my eyes and fall back asleep, the phone rings again.

I groan and repeat the same action of turning off the phone, careful not to wake up Rose. Then the phone rings again, and I'm forced to wake up once more to turn it off.

By the fourth time I let it ring. Whoever is calling will take the hint and let me be.

Then the ringing finally stops, and I can finally go back to-

And then the phone starts ringing again.

"Angela, if you don't answer that goddamn phone call I will deny you every single orgasm for the next month" says Rose who's still laying down with her eyes close.

I groan but quickly sit up and grab my phone from the nightstand.

Well now I know why the person calling wouldn't take a hint.

"Hi Emily how ar-"

"You are fucking insane! How dare you disappear on me like that?! Where are you?" Emily screams on the other end of the phone

"Thank you for worrying Emily I-"

"Worrying?! Girl you're killing me. If you hadn't answered this last call I would have called the police and filed a missing person report on you."

I'm glad I answered then because knowing her, I'm sure she would have.

"Again thank you for worrying. I'm fine you don't need to call the police" I respond quietly.

"Why are you whispering? Where even are you?" She asks

"Give me a second" I say and slowly crawl off the bed, phone still against my ear.

I walk away from the room into the living room. I check the clock hanging near the kitchen entrance and realized it's 4am in the morning. No shock neither Fran nor Rose are awake.

"Why are you calling me at 4 in the morning Emily?!" I ask as I make my way towards the sofa and sit down, legs up against my chest.

"The answer is I have work and i'm awake. And I'm the one asking the questions! Wait-I'm imagining that since you're currently not being shipped into tiny pieces to a different country that you're at the hot bosses house still? I read the text you sent me two days ago but again that was two days ago and for all I know if you don't respond to your calls then they killed you and-"

I smile lightly and cut her off, "yes I'm still at their house. And will probably stay here another night before going back to the apartment. They insisted."

There's silence at the other end of the line then out of nowhere I hear screams and laughter and more screams. She's so loud I have to pull the phone away from my ear.

"Omg you're so getting fucked!! Getting railed girl! Omg you have to tell me everything! Ah! ok ok ok. I deserve a present for not only predicting your gayness but also for knowing this would happen."

"You're crazy. A second ago you were worried for my safety"

"Well now I know you're fine soooo spill"

"They're- wow. I have never experienced anything like this before."

"Awwww....so that means they're freaky?"

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