Sweet Aftercare

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I follow behind Rose as she carries Angela in her arms towards our apartment.

Angela's completely out. I see her beautiful sweet face. Her eyes are closed and her mouth is slightly open. She's the cutest thing.

We get to the door and I step up in front of Rose to enter the code.

We walk in and I close the door behind us.

"Angela, tesoro, we're home." Rose whispers.

Angela lifts her head up from Rose's shoulder slowly. Her eyes open and close as she takes in her surroundings.

I walk towards them and move a small hair from Angela's face behind her ear.

"Come on baby, you need to shower and get something to eat."

She closes her eyes again and lays her face back on Rose's neck.

"I'm going to place her down her on the sofa while I set the bath. Stay with her, I won't take long" Rose says and she makes her way towards the white sofa.

"You sure?" I ask, knowing she doesn't usually like to do much of the aftercare.

She nods at me and I smile.

I sit down waiting for her to place Angela right next to me.

She protest at the lack of touch as Rose places her down with me, but soon she's curling against me and back to her sleeping stage.

I nod at Rose and she walks off to do what she has to do.

I lay there with Angela, playing lightly with her hair. I move slowly and take off her shoes.

"Thank you" she sighs and opens her eyes. She stretches and I watch in admiration at how beautiful she looks.

She turns to me and smiles.

"What?" She ask

I smile back and shake my head. 

"Nothing, I'm just admiring you."

"No way. My makeup is all messed up, my hair is a mess, and I need a change of clothes"

"You look beautiful to me" I whispered

Her cheeks turned red and she looked like the most sweet thing ever. That was until she grabbed a pillow and hit my shoulder with it over and over.

"Your responses to a complement is aggression!?" I said and laughed as she stood on her knees to continue her attack.

I managed to grab the pillow from her, causing her to lose her balance and fall backwards on the sofa. I took that as an opportunity to pin her down, holding her hands above her head.

"You're going to pay for that later" I whispered in her ear and laid small kisses on her neck.

When I looked back at her she has this challenging look on her face.

"I don't think so mommy" she whispered.

Is this woman not tired?! I lean back down and place multiple other kisses on her neck.

"Brat" I say and bite down lightly.

"Ah that hurt" she says

"Aw I thought you were a tough girl?"

"I am!" She protested

"Doesn't seem much like it." I said, and I could see in her face how she was about to make a sassy response-already looking for a fight.

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