Chapter 25

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I slam my locker closed with a sigh, sliding my bag onto my shoulder before grabbing my phone out.
"You seem happy." Jade observes, standing beside me.
"Just tired. I'm glad the group assignment is almost over." I reply. Today's the day we're performing and after a few long weeks of working with some intensely strange people I'm so ready to be done.
"God, me too." She sighs.
"Guys! It's almost Christmas!" Cat's chirpy voice yells down the hallway as the redhead runs towards us.
"It's the 1st of December, Cat. It's nowhere near Christmas." Jade replies.
"There's just under a month. That's such a little amount of time!" She states before running off in Robbie's direction.
"It's nowhere near Christmas." Jade repeats.
"It's kinda near Christmas." I reply.
"It's a month away." She says as we begin to walk to class.
"Just under a month." I smile.

The performances take up the whole lesson, thankfully. The performance was pretty good but the last thing I want to do is work with Sinjin again.

I join the group out in the courtyard for lunch and listen in to the conversation. By the sounds of it, Cat still hasn't stopped talking about Christmas.
"Is she still going?" Jade asks as she takes a seat next to me with her salad.
"Yup." Tori sighs, stabbing at her food.
"It's never too early for Christmas." The girl chirps.
"Well, what's everyone's Christmas plans, then?" I ask, giving in.
"Carly and Spencer are going to come over to me and Sam's place." She replies.
"My older sister will come but no one else, my family isn't really big on Christmas." Jade says.
"You have a sister?" I ask, the rest of the table looks pretty confused too.
"She moved out a while back." She states.
"You've never mentioned her before." Tori says.
"She's never come up before." She replies. It makes me think, and I realise I don't really know all that much about her. Not about her family, anyway. An older sister?
"What's her name?" I question.
"Sapphire. She's 27." She states, though more quietly, presumably so not everyone hears. If there's anything I've learnt about Jade it's that she's quite a private person.

It hits the weekend and I decide it's time to go Christmas shopping. It's now the 5th so just under 3 weeks to go. I take Trina with me, it's nice to have her opinions on things.
"So, Jade has an older sister who she's never mentioned before." I say as I browse some things in Sephora. I pick out a Dior lip oil for Tori and put it into the bag.
"She does?" Trina questions, trying to choose between two different blushes for herself.
"Yeah, her name's Sapphire." I reply, finding an elf present bundle for Cat.
"Do you think you're going to meet her?" She questions, putting both blushes into the bag.
"I'm not sure. I've not met any of Jade's family." I reply. "She's met mom and dad but they don't know we're together so I guess it's different." I sigh, heading up to the counter to pay. Sephora always leaves a hole in my pocket.

We visit a bunch more stores before ending up in Pandora. I look around while Trina buys some earrings for mom. I spot a ring, the stone in it a jade stone. It's silver and simple. I had already gotten a few bits for Jade but decide to get the ring as well.

"Who's the ring for?" Trina questions as we walk out of the store.
"Jade, it reminded me of her." I reply, sliding it into one of the bags.
"Are you proposing to her already?" She asks, her face scrunching up in confusion.
"What? No. A ring doesn't mean a proposal, Trina." I scoff but rethink my decision. "Does it?" I ask.
"Well, no. I guess not." She mutters.
"She wears a lot of rings so I thought I'd get it for her." I state.
"Aww, who knew you could be so adorable." Trina smiles, pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm not adorable." I mumble, fighting my way out of her grasp.
"Whatever you say. Is there anywhere else you want to go?"  She questions.
"Hollister?" I suggest, I want to get Jade some clothes since I'm always borrowing hers.

Who thought that wrapping was a good idea? I spent the last 2 hours wrapping the gifts that I bought and I'm left with a big pile of wrapped gifts.
"We're decorating the tree now." Tori says, appearing at the doorway with a smile. She's in her Christmas pyjamas since it's around 8pm now. "Get your pyjamas on!" She says before heading out. It's our tradition to wear Christmas pyjamas and decorate the tree with Christmas music.

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