Chapter 2

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'Karaoke Dokie'

After class finishes I head home. Tori lets me know that she and the others are heading down to Karaoke Dokie in a few hours and asked me to come along. I agreed because I have nothing else to do tonight.

I shower and get dressed for the night and pour some vodka into a flask and slip it into the waistband of my jeans.
"You ready?" Tori asks, hanging at the frame of my door.
"Yeah." I respond and head out, grabbing my jacket and slipping it over my shoulders.

We get to Karaoke Dokie and the others are all here with their drinks. I head over and get a drink each for Tori and I, subtly slipping some vodka into my cup, handing Tori the cup without the alcohol.
"Ugh, those girls are trash." Jade groans as she watches the two girls on stage.
"They're not that bad." Beck comments. His arm is slung around the back of Jade's seat.
"Excuse you?" She scoffs, clearly not amused.
"Don't you think you're a little bit judgemental babe?" He asks.
"No." She states. "And you suggesting that is so judgmental." She adds.
"They're not bad but we're better." Cat comments.
"Sing a song with me, Kitty Cat." Jade demands, standing up out of Beck's grasp once the girls had finished their song.
"Ooh! Yay! I love songs!" Cat exclaims, standing up and following Jade to the stage.

Once they're up on stage they begin singing and I can't lie they're both extremely talented. They're singing 'Give it up' and they dance along to it as well. They both look extremely good doing it.

After they've finished with the song, Jade comes back to see the two girls sitting either side of Beck and playing with his hair. He's just allowing this? He's pretty much cheating on her in front of her. She's insane. She's obviously mad.
"Excuse me, Beck? My dear boyfriend, what are these two not so lovely ladies doing touching you?" She asks through clasped teeth.
"Jade, they're harmless." He replies.
"I'd hate to be that guy." Andre comments.
"Oh whatever." She replies, slamming her drink down and heading outside.
"Sometimes she's so difficult." Beck grumbles as the rest of us stand there shocked.
"I'm gonna grab another drink." I state even though my drink is still practically full after getting a refill during the song.

I head outside and find Jade standing against a railing watching the city lights and cars drive by.
"Are you okay?" I ask her.
"Oh, you." She grunts.
"Yes, me." I state, leaning against the railing also, but with my back against it.
"Go away, you're annoying and talk too much." She demands.
"Here." I say, handing over my drink.
"I'm not thirsty." She mutters.
"I think you will be for this." I comment, handing it over.
"Why did you follow me out here?" She asks after taking a sip and realising what I meant.
"Your boyfriends a major douche, you know that right?" I ask, ignoring her question.
"But he loves me and makes me feel happy." She sighs.
"Really? What happened in there really shows how much he loves you." I chuckle without humour.
"He loves me. He does." She sniffles quietly.
"It sounds like you're trying to convince yourself." I state.
"Get me another drink." She orders, slapping the cup at me.
"Say please." I state.
"Get me the drink before I throw you into oncoming traffic." She mumbles.
"You're so mean sometimes." I groan, walking back inside to get a drink for each of us.

I head back outside and hand her one while I keep the other and return to my previous position. She tastes it and realises there's no alcohol in it before turning to me. She searches me with her eyes before her hand reaches to my hip and she pulls out the flask and pours some into her cup and then my own before returning it into my waistband.
"So you do think about others." I chuckle to myself, swirling the drink gently.
"I poured you a drink, that's all." She rolls her eyes.
"You're lucky I haven't attacked you yet, dare I say it you're more annoying than your sisters." She groans.
"Yet you're here talking to me." I comment.
"Because you have something I want." She states.
"Don't drink too much. You have school tomorrow." I tell her.
"Who are you, my mother?" She asks. I hand her the flask and roll my eyes before going to go inside. "Could you stay out here with me?" She asks after a moment and quite reluctantly. I go to reply with something sarcastic but know she probably feels like shit seeing her boyfriend who's supposed to love her be such an ass hole.
"Sure." I reply, taking a seat on the floor.
"You look worse than Sikowitz." She states, looking at me but not taking a seat.
"Sit, you're making me look bad." I order gently with a soft chuckle.
"Fine." She grumbles reluctantly before sitting opposite to me.
"Thank you." I smile at her.
"Why are you so invested in me and Beck? I think you're after him, your sisters both are." She inquires.
"Him? He's such an ass hole. Once you walked out he said 'sometimes she's so difficult'. That doesn't sound like a loving relationship. I'd hate to date him." I state my honest opinion.
"I broke up with him a year back. He was getting too close with this girl, Alyssa Von. I was nothing without him, I couldn't stop crying. I hate crying." She informs me, emphasising the 'hate'.
"So you got back with him and forgot about everything?" I ask.
"I didn't forget about it. I just have to pretend like I did. I love him but I don't think he loves me anymore." She states almost sadly.
"Why are you still with him then?" I ask.
"I don't know what I'd do without him." She replies. "We've been together for so long.'
"Find someone who actually loves you?" I suggest with a slight smile.
"Most people wouldn't love me. I put my guard up too much." She admits. She's letting her guard down and I can't tell if it's because of what happened with Beck or the alcohol, either way it's nice that she's admitting all this stuff to me, especially since she doesn't know me that well.

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