13 - from the sidelines

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"How long have you had the pain?", the doctor asked me the next morning as I sat on the stretcher, my legs dangling from it nervously.

"Since the collision", I mumbled, knowing I'd get scolded for my answer.

"If you weren't concussed, I'd give you a slap on the back of your head right now", he sighed, stepping away from me to sit on his desk, typing away in his computer.

"So? When can I come back?", I asked hopefully, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer. Our doctor knew that I wanted to get back onto the pitch as quickly as possible. I wouldn't know what to do if I had to sit out any longer. If I rested today and tomorrow, I'd be back in training for the match against Lyon.

"At least a week", he huffed. If he'd stood any closer next to me, he probably would've been able to hear my head burst at the decision.

"Really?", I whined, unsure of what else to ask. "But I feel fine! The pain is manageable right now, really. I won't do any headers, I promise!"

But my pleas fell upon deaf ears as he shook his head, finally turning towards me again.

"This is serious, Ellie. Go home, rest, please", he asked me as I slowly dragged myself onto my feet. His hands fell onto my shoulders gently as he turned me around, giving me a small nudge.

"I don't want to see you here for a week!"

"But I can watch, at least", I gave back, not awaiting his answer as I quickly made my way over towards the field. I wasn't wearing our training jersey, which the girls immediately noticed, already in their training session, heads flying towards me as I stepped onto the wet grass. I felt as though I could cry any second. I didn't want to miss a week of training. I didn't want to miss the Champions League match. I didn't want any of this.

"Hey, you", Jonas smiled at me pitifully as I stepped across the field further, walking towards him. He bumped his fist into mine. I wanted to laugh.

"Doc says I'm out for a week", I explained, although the thought of lying had crossed my mind once or twice in the short walk from the office towards here. There was no use - I was sure of it as I knew that the doctor would inform Jonas anyways, and I'd get a proper beating for lying about such a serious topic. There was no use. I was out.

"I'm sorry, Ellie", he smiled at me once more, with pity in his eyes and I wanted to lunge at him for a moment before he patted my back softly.

"You'll be back against Liverpool?", he asked, and I nodded immediately, although it hurt my head. The sun wasn't helping either.

"Yeah, for sure", I smiled, really believing it. I had nothing to hold onto but hope. We watched the team - my team - train in silence, both of us not having anything more to say.

During the water break, I tried to rack my brain whether or not this was the point where I go home and engulf myself in the silence of my empty flat, nothing but Magnus to busy my thoughts. Leah walked over to me, along with Viv and Beth.

"How's the head?", Leah asked as she took a sip of her drink, Jonas walking away to one of our co-managers.

"Clearly not as hard as we thought", Viv joked, but after she saw my face fall for a second, her own smile vanished.

"It's fine. I'm out for a week, though", I breathed. Leah gave me a glance to show me that she knew it wasn't fine.

"I'll miss you in France", Beth sighed and before I could stop her, she wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me up into the air.

"Oi, you're light", she laughed, setting me down onto the ground. I didn't know what to answer, so I pretended I didn't hear.

"I won't miss the game", I promised, although I had no way of knowing whether I'd be allowed to travel with the team or not. Either way, staying at home and watching the game on television was not something I saw myself doing.

𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐞 ★ leah williamsonWhere stories live. Discover now