8 - it never makes sense

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"Good Ellie!", Leah yelled from behind me as the ball sunk into the net, and I quickly turned around to see if I had any players to mark before Lotte could take the pass in.

We were playing a game of six against six with two mini goals, and I'd scored into both of them already, within as little as two minutes. The game against Ajax two days ago had certainly shaken my confidence, but the familiar feeling of an empty head had come back to me the second I'd stepped out onto the pitch for training today. Maybe the world hadn't ended with stupid questions by stupid people to write stupid headlines.
My steps had become certain, my passes exact and my shots clear. It was as though the misery I'd played against Ajax had never happened.

"Good game", Leah clapped my hand softly as we walked over towards the water bottles, having finished training for the day.

"You too", I smiled before picking up an electrolyte drink from the ground, swallowing the liquid quickly.

It was fairly late in the afternoon already, and the sun set earlier recently, which meant the wind on the field was forcing goosebumps to appear on my arms. My legs were still warm from the excessive running I'd done on the pitch, but the cold sweat on my skin was causing me to shiver ever so slightly.

"I'll go take a shower", I announced to Leah after Jonas dismissed us, telling us when to be there for our training tomorrow, and she nodded at my words.

"Movie night after?"

"Yeah, okay. Long as you don't blame me when I fall asleep on your couch."

"Pinky promise."

Our pinky fingers interlinked for a short instance and I smiled at the woman in front of me, taking in her glossy face and soft smile before I grabbed my boot bag from the floor and we headed inside, as Leah waited for me while I showered quickly, changing into sweats and leaving London Colney with my hair still wet.

"Yours or mine?", I asked as german music started playing in my car. I shifted into reverse, backing out of the parking lot.

"Drop me off at mine, then I'll come to yours later", Leah decided, but I furrowed my eyebrows, turning onto the busy road.

"I could just wait at yours", I offered, knowing Leah didn't like to drive late and it'd be an unnecessary journey anyways, despite the fact that it was only five minutes.

"I know, but I don't have any of your fancy skincare products", Leah snickered. "I know you need your beauty essentials in the evening."

"Oh come on, don't take the mick out of my skincare. You could do with a routine as well", I complained at her joke, referring to when she'd first come to my apartment to watch the Bayern game.

"Yeah, yeah", Leah mumbled but soon focused her attention on her phone, comfortably sinking into her seat. I maneuvred us to Leah's apartment and nudged her softly when we arrived.

"I'll text you when I leave", she smiled at me, taking her bag from the backseat and climbing out of my Fiat 500. I nodded.

"See ya", I mumbled, before pulling out of her driveway once more. I arrived at my own place shortly after, and fed Magnus before doing said skincare routine and clearing the clustered plates and protein bar wrappers scattered in the living room, getting ready for another movie night with Leah.

We played Tottenham two days later, and I was in my best shape yet, scoring three of our four goals. I was awarded the Player Of the Match shortly after, and this time the interviewer actually seemed to be focusing on my current performance rather than my latest debacle, which I was quite grateful for. We rounded the stadium, my arm interlinked with Leah's, as we clapped for our fans, signed shirts and took pictures.

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