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She woke up to the dark depths of Sin's eyes.

He was unabashed, smiling like she hadn't just caught him watching her sleep. She felt her own lips tentatively move to reciprocate, but she knew it was a sad version of the original. "Isn't it funny? The minute you regain consciousness, I lose mine."

He laughed. "Yes. We have to stop doing that to each other."

She turned to lie on her back, wondering why waking up beside him like this wasn't strange at all, as though they had done this a million times before. "I feel very weak. And not the kind of weakness food can heal."

He sat up immediately. "I'll get Zara to make you an elixir. But you'll still need to eat. Do you want anything special?"

She smiled, this one coming out more naturally than the last. "You don't have to do any of that," she replied, when what she really wanted to do was ask him not to leave her. "I just want o

"Yesterday still feels surreal?"

"I think I just want to forget everything that happened. For now, at least." That was what she was good at doing. Compartmentalizing her feelings till she was in a good place to deal with them. "I don't want to think."

He lay back beside her. "I could help you with that. Help you to stop thinking."

He probably didn't even mean to suggestive, but that throaty way he said it made her mind go into dark, murky places. She said, "I'm sorry. About last night. I remember now how unrelentless I was," though she wasn't very sure she was.

Her grogginess last night was the perfect curtain for her to fall behind, but she didn't want to use excuses now. She didn't want to pretend like it didn't happen. 

He blinked. "You remember?"

"You were right to say no to me. I'd like to be in my right mind when I take that step and. . .Sinclair, we've just been through so much, you know? Ever since we met, it has been one struggle after the other. I don't want to fight anymore."

He moved closer. He didn't touch her though — just looked at her like he was a dying man and she was his last meal. 

"F*ck, Vannie. It would kill me if you cried right now."

She shook her head even though she felt the sting behind her eyelids. "It's just — it's a little overwhelming."

"What could I do to make this better for you?" He asked softly.

"Well, a hug would be nice."

She was snatched into his arms before she even completed the sentence. Her marks stood boldly on his neck, red-rimmed in contrast to his pale skin. She'd been too uncoordinated, and her teeth had gone too deep. She should be ashamed of it. "You should have stopped me."

He didn't ask what she was talking about. "I wanted them. If you want to give me more, I'll want those, too. Do you regret it?"

She'd laugh if she could. She could smell his scent. That dangerous, sexy smell that she knew she could quickly get addicted to.

It was dangerous.

And yet— "Will you mark me now?"

Something in her had shifted since she saw him take an arrow for her, and it would be stupidity to deny it. She wanted this male, craved him like she needed him to breath. She wanted his mark; didn't think she'd ever wanted anything as badly as she did right now. 

"Are you sure?"


He brought her away from himself so he could look deeply into her eyes. "You never have to beg me for anything. Ever."

It suddenly felt impossible that she'd been existing without his claim on her all this while. She arched her neck up to grant him access. "Then just do it. Just do it."

"Command me to do it. Give me orders."

She moaned. This was not a morning she ever thought she'd have, but she was in it now and it was the most erotic thing that had ever happened to her. He was on top of her, and yet, he was returning the power to her. He wanted her to steer this, and she didn't even know that was what she needed till he gave it to her. She felt invincible, untouchable, like she was cocooned in steel and only her could give someone access into her stronghold. 

She reveled in it.

Her hand gripped the hair at his nape, and she had a brief recollection of doing this to him last night. With her grip on his featherlight strands, she brought him down to her. Forcefully.

"Mark me. Now."

It was his turn to moan. And then he bit into the skin of her neck, and her mind was wondrously, gloriously blank.

Followed by a rushing wave of lust so strong, it could cause her heart to fail. "Sinclair," she breathed, letting her legs fall open so he could seat himself properly between her. His teeth hadn't yet left her, which was great because she thought she might die if he stopped. 

Was this how he felt when she bit him? Like every thing she owned, everything she was and had ever done was leading up to this one blinding moment? 

He stopped then, pulling her legs further apart with his large palm. If she thought his eyes were stark black before, she'd been wrong. Right now, his sooty irises were all she could see, as though the color had bled out and was blotting the rest of his eyes. His daemon was present right now, drunk on her blood and ready to put more marks on her skin.

"How haven't we been doing this all our lives?" He growled.

Before she could agree that yes, she had been thinking the same thing, his lips were on hers. Like her body was now under his control, her lips came open for him. It was just as he'd promised her. She couldn't think.

Dark Alpha: A Fated Mates NovelWhere stories live. Discover now