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She began to tremble lightly as he stroked the side of her neck with his nose. "How can you smell this way and expect me to stay away? How can you let me have a taste and then shut me out?"

The image came unbidden again, Sinclair on his knees, head locked between her legs by her own hands, lapping at her like he'd evaporate if his tongue stopped its movement.

Before she could help herself, she was leaning into him, wanting his lips on her skin. Her mind shut down, and all she could remember was that he was touching her, and somehow, a part of her had been craving this since the last time he'd done it.

Somehow sensing what she needed, his lips followed the same trail his nose went, and when his tongue darted out to suckle on the thin skin, she moaned.

It was loud and embarrassingly drawn out, and it slammed her back to reality. She dashed away from him, eyes scrambling around. Gasping, she whispered, "Let me leave."

His hands curled again at his sides. His face became a plain mask of determination. "You felt it though, didn't you?" He was moving closer again. "Vannie, I'm not—"

She let her magick curl tight around her. "If you move closer, I won't be responsible for whatever happens."

But she was bluffing. Maybe she could do big damage, but they both knew it wasn't something the King of all Alphas wouldn't fight through if he wanted to keep her trapped.

Few moments passed, electrifying in their intensity. Their gazes locked, and the connection felt like a living, pulsing thing, double-edged and coarse.

He looked ready to battle. His muscles were corded and tight, jumping like they had a mind of their own and wanted out of the confines of his skin. And Vannie knew this was a battle she wouldn't win.
But he moved back. She could see his hesitation loud and clear and the pain in his eyes he didn't bother to hide. But he moved back.

"This isn't over, my Queen. I'm not letting this go."

"I want to leave," she said again, hardening her spine.

Their gazes locked again for few seconds, then he moved out of her way. "Go, before I make you face what you're trying to deny."

It was a bait, a questioning of her honour, but she didn't fall for it like she wanted to. She fled instead. But Vannie felt his predatory presence, and knew he'd followed her.

You know I can't stay away, don't you, my Queen?


She reached the gates of the palace before him because he gave her the wide berth she'd asked for. But once she entered into the vast compound and saw who was waiting at the steps to the Great Hall, Sin took a protective stance behind her. She had a feeling that position was to cage her in case she ran.

And if she was being honest, that was the first thing her body wanted to do. But she didn't give into it, and looked their visitor straight in the eyes. The last time she'd been this close to him, he was giving her a backhand and watching her stab her throat.

"Greer," Sin said from behind her. "How may we help you?"

Vannie may get irrationally spooked when she heard the 'Keeper' word, but she had good reason to hate this particular Keeper. This was the one who'd taken special pleasure in whipping her with silver chains. This was the one who'd advised the rest of the Keepers about what punishment would be the best for her that day.

This was the one that brought her to the King for slaughter.

And now, he was looking like he was at the verge of a mental breakdown. He fell to his knees in front of her — who would have thought? — and very suddenly, began to sob. The kind of terrifying sounds one might make when one's heart was being ripped out.

She didn't think she was a kind person, not exactly. But she wasn't heartless, so the sight of this male on his knees made compassion flow in her heart, even though she didn't know what had happened to him.

"Please, Your Majesties. Save my mate."
Sin must have seen her confusion, because he explained, "She's due to give birth."

If anything, that made her even more confused, because that shouldn't be reason for this display. Unlike the other species, wolves experienced extreme ease during birth, and most didn't even need a healer to help them deliver. "What is wrong?"

"Alaric says the child is a rokh."

Rokh werewolf pups usually came out stillborn. Vannie noticed that Greer hadn't mentioned saving his pup, which meant that even he had given up on its chances of survival. She crouched in front of him, wanting to feel vindicated at his distress.

And maybe she was. And maybe she still hated Greer with every inch of her soul. But she wouldn't let a poor pup die because his Sire was an a*shole to her.
"Stand up and return to your mate," Sin ordered. "I'll send the royal fae after you."

"No. There's no need to worry Zara," Vannie interjected before Greer could follow the instructions. Still on eye level with the Keeper, she examined him. As a sign of respect, he wasn't looking right at her, but she could see his red-rimmed eyes. Even if there was no real threat to his mate's life, he was clearly disturbed.

"Extend your hands," she commanded. Shakily, the Keeper did, giving his will up to her with complete trust and reverence. It was the Luna effect — he needed someone to believe in, and she was there, his biological leader. Even if she didn't want the role, she had to play it now. So she said, "Your females will be well."

He started to nod frantically, before the meaning of her words seemed to hit him. "What?"

She bit into the skin of her forefinger and broke skin, then ordered him to do the same. Unlike her own delicate nip, he left jagged, deep bites over his palms, and she didn't stop him. The deeper the cuts, the slower his wolf was to heal them.

When she was satisfied with the state of his palms, she put her own finger above them. A lone drop of her blood fell into one of his wounds, and as she watched, every other cut began to heal.

As the magick of her blood worked, she muttered a mending spell under her breath. When the wounds were completely closed up, she said, "You're connected to both Mam and pup by blood and the mate bond. Now that the Flora from my blood is running through your veins, it's running through theirs, too. You can go home now."

So do we think Vannie is doing too much yet? 🌛

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