~ Chapter 19 ~ noise

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Daemon finally regained his ability to speak and voiced his concerns, "Ryis, they cannot stay here any longer."

The attention of the sirens immediately shifted towards him, their mesmerising blue eyes penetrating deep into his soul.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Ryis responded in a hushed tone, "I understand your worries. However, they will not leave until they are assured of the safety of the water again."

Rhaenrya, with a gentle yet authoritative demeanour, inquired, "How can we be certain of the oceans' safety?" Her voice carried a maternal concern, reflecting her care for their well-being.

Ryis let out a sigh and glanced around at her colony, noticing that everyone, except her sisters who had previously ventured onto land with her, had dry and scabbing skin.

"I will venture into the water... Seek out any signs of danger," Ryis informed them, her sole focus on ensuring the survival of her colony.

Concerned, Jace asked Ryis, "Are you certain it is safe?" Resting a hand on her shoulder, the rest of the colony observed Jace's calloused hand as it gently touched her.

Ryis responded firmly, "No... but the health of the colony is more important."

The other lords in the hall exchanged glances, questioning the seriousness of her statement. However, Ryis simply left the hall, instructing the others in her colony to follow her, with Rhaenyra and the rest trailing behind.

They traversed through the halls until reaching the exit near the beach. The allure of the water beckoned the colony, but Ryis commanded them to remain close to the shore.

Walking along the deck, she took a deep breath before submerging herself into the salty water, feeling the waves sting her with a painful sensation.

The agony she experienced served as a testament to the magnitude of this extraordinary transformation. It commenced as a tingling sensation, coursing through her veins like a symphony of electrifying currents.

As her body adapted to its newfound aquatic state, the torment intensified, resembling the delicate puncturing of countless needles into her flesh, until the metamorphosis was finally complete.

Ryis delved deeper into the water, her tail propelling her forward, her eyes scanning the depths. Suddenly, an underwater wave swept her in a spiral, causing a low noise to vibrate her dolphin-like eardrums, resulting in a piercing shriek that resonated above the surface for all to hear.

everyone positioned above directed their gaze towards the deck, witnessing the astonishing sight of Ryis emerging rapidly from the water. The onlookers were taken aback, but Jace, in particular, was overwhelmed by the spectacle. He had never before witnessed Ryis in her submerged form. Her lower body was adorned with grey scales that gradually transitioned into her human half. Along her ribs and where her pulse would normally be, she possessed gills reminiscent of those found on sharks. Her teeth were sharp, capable of piercing through skin effortlessly. Additionally, sharp spikes adorned her back and sides.

Before anyone could utter a word, Jace swiftly removed his cloak and draped it over Ryis' body as she transformed back into her human state. The rest of the group gathered around her, displaying concern and curiosity.

"Ryis...what happened?" Jace inquired, his voice filled with worry. He gently brushed her wet hair behind her ear, his hands cradling her cheeks.

"Caloro...norit," she managed to utter, her body trembling and her ears still ringing from the deafening sound.

"What did she say?" Jace urgently asked her sisters.

"She said, 'noise...hurt,'" one of her sisters relayed to Jace, kneeling down to Ryis' level.

"Sorota...pul ko lane, lo norit," her sister comforted her, assuring her that she was safe on land and would not be harmed. Ryis nodded her head softly in response.

Her sister stood up and instructed one of the male sirens to carry Ryis back to the castle. Without hesitation, they lifted her as if she were weightless and transported her back to her chambers.

Placed gently on the bed, Ryis continued to tremble uncontrollably, surrounded by her colony, while the humans present observed the scene with a mixture of pity and awe.

One of the sirens approached Ryis closely, her blond hair cascading down to her waist. She gently hovered her hands over Ryis's shivering body, humming a soft tune. As she did so, Ryis's convulsing body gradually relaxed, her body gradually heating up and calming down.

"What is she doing?" Jace inquired, his voice soft as he moved closer to the bed.

"It's a special song... like the one i sang for Rhaenyra with Joffrey," Ryis murmured softly, her words slightly slurred.

"When I was in labor, she sang this song to me, and it eased the pain," Rhaenyra explained to everyone, on behalf of who was now feeling numb and drowsy.

Ryis's mind was a jumble of thoughts. Everyone seemed like a blur to her, and she spoke without much coherence. "I... did something..." Ryis mumbled hazily.

"What did you do?" Jace asked with curiosity, taking a seat on the bed beside her.

"Aegon..." she mumbled again. "Aegon?" Rhaenyra questioned.

"I sang to him," Ryis repeated. The others exchanged confused glances.

"The healing song? Was he injured?" Daemon inquired, his expression serious as he became more intrigued, already formulating plans in his mind.

"No, no, no... the song from the books... the siren song..." Ryis clarified, hearing a few gasps of surprise from those around her.

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