~ chapter 3 ~ to sea the king

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"Alright, now it's time for us to guide you to your room," Rhaenys said reassuringly, some hand guards gently guiding her away from the calm hall with a comforting arm on her upper back. she  made their way towards the chambers, ensuring she felt at ease every step of the way.

As she wandered up and down the hallways, she found herself at the pinnacle of the west tower. Ryis took in the beauty of the intricate artwork showcasing the ocean in every direction, marvelling at the craftsmanship that surrounded them

The ambiance of the chamber was serene and inviting, with the combination of blue walls and white linens creating a calming atmosphere. The shelves adorned with shells and sculptures added a touch of sophistication to the room, showcasing a collection of unique and beautiful pieces. It was a space that exuded elegance and charm, making her feel as though she had stepped into a world of beauty and tranquillity

Ryis strolled towards the bed, gently caressing the soft sheets with her hand before settling down on the mattress. She was lost in her thoughts for a moment, enjoying the comfort of the bed, until a sudden knock at the door interrupted her moment.

Startled by an unseen threat, she swiftly stood up and let out a fierce hiss, her eyes fixed on the door. Her body instinctively shifted into a defensive position, ready to confront any danger that lay beyond. Just as the door creaked open, a Rhaenys accompanied by a retinue of handmaidens entered the room, their presence shrouded in mystery

"Greetings, my dear," Rheanys greeted, clutching a book in her hands. Ryis spoek with a simple  "hello" as she relaxed her stance, looking at ease.

"Allow me to introduce Dina and Loti, they're here to assist you in getting ready," she beamed warmly.

ryis turned to look at the woman, one was in her early twenties and one was around the same age as her, they wore a deep blue dress with there hair pulled up into a bun and they bowed slightly to ryis.

"get. ready?" ryis asked repeating rhaenys words.

"yes, we're going to see the king" she reminded softly placing the books she was holding on the desk that was seated in front of ryis's bed

"king help ryis?" she asked with hope in her heart as she looked curiously at the books, they were something unfamiliar to her.

"yes. the king is going to help you" rheanys answered softly picking up one of the books and opening it to a page.

As she gazed at the ancient texts, she couldn't help but notice the intricate illustrations of traditional siren attire.

"Have you ever considered trying on one of these dresses?" rhaenys inquired, gesturing towards a particular design in the book.

Intrigued, Ryis reached for the book, examining the worn bindings and delicately flipping through the yellowed pages. The images of the siren clothing captivated her, sparking a curiosity about the history and beauty of such garments

"yes, ok i try" the way she talked almost didn't sound human, considering she wasn't

The handmaidens moved towards her in a deliberate pace, their every movement synchronized and deliberate. Leading her towards a pedestal, they guided her with utmost care. At first, she responded defensively, emitting a few hisses as a natural instinct. Yet, as the handmaidens continued to interact with her, she gradually grew more comfortable, eventually embracing their touch without hesitation.

During Aegon's conquest, when adult sirens emerged from the depths of the sea onto land, their attire exuded an ethereal elegance. Clad in flowing silk dresses that gracefully cascaded down to their ankles, these enchanting women donned delicate, slender straps that adorned their shoulders. The back of their dresses, daringly cut to the lower waist, added a touch of allure to their already mesmerising presence. The colour palette of their garments often comprised shades of blue, red, or white, further enhancing their enchanting allure.

As for the young sirens, their attire mirrored the grace and charm of their adult counterparts, albeit with a subtle variation. Their long silk dresses, crafted with utmost care, featured an open back design. However, to ensure comfort and support, the dresses were adorned with thick twisted straps that securely held the fabric in place.

Additionally, two small slits adorned each side of their waists, adding a playful touch to their attire. These young sirens, with their captivating dresses, embodied the innocence and beauty that resonated throughout their underwater realm.

Her attire was a mesmerising sight to behold. A stunning blue silk dress adorned her figure, with delicate white swirls gracefully encircling her waist, resembling the gentle ebb and flow of ocean waves. The ruffled bottom of the dress added a touch of elegance, accentuated by a white outline that enhanced its charm. As for her hair, it cascaded down in a straight and lustrous manner, defying the conventional siren style. Soft curls adorned the shorter strands, lending a playful and enchanting allure to her overall appearance.

Rhaenys approached Ryis with a sense of awe, her eyes filled with admiration. "Oh my, you are absolutely stunning," she exclaimed, extending a helping hand to assist Ryis down from the pedestal.

Ryis, however, seemed hesitant as she gazed at her reflection in the mirror. The new dress she wore felt unfamiliar and uncomfortable, making her despise it instantly. As Ryis stood there, unsure of what to do, one of the handmaidens approached her gently.

"Would you like us to create more dresses for you?" she asked softly, offering a hair clip to pin up Ryis' hair.

But Ryis simply dropped it to the floor, feeling overwhelmed and uncertain. Rhaenys chuckled softly, acknowledging the handmaidens with a nod as they respectfully exited the room, leaving the two of them alone

"When we see king?" ryis asked rhaenys patience was not her strong suit

"The ship is being readyed dear do not fret" rheanys comforted her softly.

In a matter of seconds, the peaceful atmosphere was shattered by the unexpected visitor. Ryis's instincts kicked in, urging him to create some distance between himself and the source of the disturbance.

"Don't worry sweetling," Rhaenys reassured her, ordering the person on the other side of the door to enter. A guard entered the room telling them that the ship was ready to depart

With the dock fading into the distance, the ship gracefully set sail towards the legendary King's Landing. Ryis, however, found herself torn between the excitement of the voyage and the yearning to be immersed in the cool embrace of the ocean. The temptation to leap into the azure waters and unleash her fighting spirit was almost unbearable, but she reluctantly resigned herself to the confines of the ship

With a hiss, she recoiled from the ship's edge, her gaze fixated on the bustling deck below. As her eyes met Lord Corlys', he approached cautiously, sensing her unease.

"This must be an incredibly difficult time for you," he murmured, taking a seat beside her.

"Yes," she replied softly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I worry for my sisters and mother."

Lord Corlys' curiosity piqued, he inquired, "You have siblings?" Nodding, she turned her gaze towards the vast expanse of water.

"Yes, three of them. Being the eldest, I had to come to the land."

"I'm truly sorry," Lord Corlys sighed, his empathy evident. "I hope the king can provide assistance to you and your people."

Their journey to the capital city was uneventful, and they reached their destination without any hiccups. However, a sense of unease lingered in the air, casting a shadow of concern over the entire group. Despite the smooth sailing, there was an underlying feeling of apprehension that they couldn't shake off.

and they were there

Siren song - Jacaerys Velaryon HOTD fanficWhere stories live. Discover now