Chapter 70

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"The weather is expected to be nice tomorrow. What should I wear? Maybe a simple outdoor dress? Oh, and should I pack a picnic? Food tastes better outside. Should I bring a parasol? Won't the wind make it uncomfortable?"

As I rambled on excitedly, Killian listened without a hint of annoyance.

"Wear clothes that make it easy for you to move around. As for the lunch, do what you want, and I think it would be better to wear a hat than a parasol."

"That would be great!"

Excited as a child on the eve of a picnic, I prepared everything I would wear for the next day before evening fell.

The next day, thankfully, was a beautiful day. It was perfect weather for yachting.

"Did you get a good night's sleep?"

"Yes! Actually, it took me quite a while to fall asleep, but I slept well."

"You're not a kid, what are you so excited about?"

"W- who are you calling a kid? It's just...... I haven't been to the lake in a long time, so it feels good."

It's a secret between me and Anna that the first thing I did when I woke up was to hum, "Let's go to the lake to get some fresh air."

In fact, I forgot she was even there, and the look on her face was quite a sight to behold.

While the luggage was being loaded onto the carriage and Killian went in again to get something he'd forgotten, Lizé appeared from the garden, strolling and picking flowers.

She came up to me standing in front of the carriage.

"Hm? Where are you going?"

"Oh...... I'm going to the lake."

"Lake? Oh, are you going yachting with Killian?"

"Uh, yeah."

I honestly didn't want to tell her where we were going.

Regardless of what Anna and Cliff said recently, I don't like it when Lizé pays attention to Killian anymore.

But Lizé didn't seem to know what I was thinking.

"Killian's yacht isn't big, but it's really beautiful. I've been out on it a few times, and I really enjoyed it."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it."

"He also fished when I went with him, do you think he'll be fishing today?"

"Oh, no. Not really."

"That's a shame, because fishing is a lot of fun...... and you should try it sometime."

"I will."

Lizé, who hadn't left yet, said to herself, a little grimly, "That would be fun......"

Haa, when she says such a lonely line with such a pretty face, the person listening feels very sorry for her......

Just as I tried to say something to brighten things up, Killian came downstairs.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Let's go...... Oh, Lizé?"

He spotted Lizé, too.

She greeted him with a smile as fresh as the pink roses in her hand.

"I hear you're going yachting on Lake Everton?"

"Yeah. Edith said she's never been on a yacht before."

"That would be fun. It's been a while since I've been on a yacht, too."

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