Chapter 63

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Adolescent girls' emotions run the gamut several times a day.

They can be overjoyed and saddened by the slightest trigger.

But at the time, I wasn't in a position to be swayed by small triggers.

"Oh, it's leukemia, Mr. Hai. I don't have any money in the house, and my daughter's got this weird disease."

The day I came home from the leukemia diagnosis, my dad was irritably talking to someone on the phone, right in front of me.

I was suffering from unexplained headaches and dizziness, so I went to the clinic and the doctor told me to go to the hospital, where I found out I had leukemia.

I was in pain all over, and my mom and dad just sighed heavily with grim faces, which didn't ease the fear and anxiety I was feeling.

Feeling like a sinner, I was depressed and sad the entire time I was hospitalized, undergoing treatment, and receiving my brother's bone marrow transplant.

To be honest, I can't tell you how many times I wished I could just die.

Even when I found out that my brother's bone marrow was a match for me, I wasn't happy.

"Oh, no, that's gonna fucking hurt!"

"But she's your sister, you have to do it."

"Oh, just tell her to go to hell!"

"Ha...... Soo-chan, if you do this, I'll buy you that laptop or something you've been wanting......"

"......really? Really?"

"Of course."

My brother's voice, telling me to go to hell even though I was right there with him, would come to life in my head every time I looked at him.

After a bone marrow transplant that was traded for a gaming laptop, I was exhausted from several procedures and no one was by my side.

My parents were standing by my brother who donated the bone marrow, complimenting him on a good job, and I was lying alone, staring at the white ceiling.

I felt so sad and depressed that tears streamed down my face, and I realized that I was crying to get their attention.

'It's all for nothing, so why are you crying?'

I cried, but they didn't look back at me. I was lucky if they didn't call me a crybaby.

Once I realized that, I was able to get out of depressive moods quickly because I knew it was pointless.

That realization from my previous life has come in handy now.

'It's not the time to be depressed. It's dangerous to rely on Killian when I don't know if he's going to give me his heart or not.'

I'd been doing my best to say hello to the extras, and I'd gotten a few servants to know me, but I needed to do something more practical.

'Money! I need to raise more money!'

I still only have nine million sennas in my safe at the Mallen Central Bank.

That's not a lot of money by the standards of this world's commoners, but it's far from enough to prepare for an unknown future.

I scrambled to my feet and began pulling out the jewelry I could sell.

'Let's sell everything that came off my dress, and the accessories I brought with me when I got married...... hm, let's sell everything that's not my style.'

I went through all the drawers and accessory cases to see what I could sell, but there wasn't as much jewelry as I thought.

The large gems adorning the dresses are colored minerals that look like rubies or sapphires, and while they are considered jewelry, they don't fetch much money.

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