chapter 20

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The scent of vanilla and lilacs washed over Olive as Stella adjusted the collar of Olive’s teal dress. The dressing room was illuminated from the Hollywood lights around several mirrors. Stella was in uniform today, pilot-wings pin gleaming on her chest. They’d spent last night talking on the phone about their story, basically deciding to keep it identical to the actual story of their relationship. Which, to Olive, begged the question of WHY THE FUCK WEREN’T THEY ACTUALLY JUST REALLY FUCKING DATING?

But … Olive decided to put off that discussion for another day especially given how certain Stella seemed that any time she was in a relationship the other person would wind up hurt. Despite this …

Things were good.

Great, actually.

Stella slipped her hand in Olive’s as they sat in two stools waiting to be called. They’d discussed talking points with the interviewers beforehand. And Joni had given her a prescription for Zofran in the hopes that there would be no stage fright panic-puking. Although Olive had been joking, Stella did bring her a tiny Allied Airlines airsickness bag. When Olive unfolded it, she found a small note.

You won’t need this. We got this.

Wegot this. Just something else to make Olive’s heart do that dumb, delighted little spasm.

They did have a plan though.

For the past three days, they’d texted around the clock. Stella had raved about the cake and how much her dad liked the leftovers Olive had sent home with her. They’d joked about Swedish Fish, unlikely death scenarios, and everything else. She’d been so preoccupied with Stella that it was easy to ignore the texts from Lindsay. And not overthink about the lack of recent actual contact with her mom and Heather. Olive also evaded some of the slightly judgy but ultimately caring texts from Derek, who seemed baffled by the entire situation.

They’d straightened Olive’s hair for the interview, and it felt like she’d had a head transplant. It didn’t move the way it normally did, giving her an odd, out-of-body feeling. She was checking it in the mirror one last time when Stella ran her hands through it. Olive fought the urge to lean into her touch. But they were alone here. No one was watching, so she didn’t have the fake relationship as an excuse for potential cuddle initiation. That wasn’t listed in the PDA section.

“You look lovely, Olive. Your hair is so soft like this. And so much longer. But I like it when it’s curly too.”

“I hardly ever straighten it. I used to. But it was a pain. Derek said all the heat was ruining the texture.”

“I like it wild.” Their eyes met in the mirror. “But you’re—it’s beautiful today.”

They were standing so close, Stella’s hip was pushing up against her. It was a slight nudge of friction just inches from a very sensitive spot.

“You look nice too. I like you in the uniform.” Olive’s finger traced the outline of the wings on Stella’s chest.

“Come on another flight, and you’ll see me in it again.”

“Where are you going on Saturday?”

“Cincinnati,” she said in an exaggerated, seductive whisper.

“Hard pass.”

“What’s wrong with Cincinnati?”

“What’s in Cincinnati?” Olive drawled.

“You’re such an East Coast snob.”

“I’m an East Coast snob?” Olive poked Stella’s arm. “You’re the one who said she always needed to shower after coming home from the Bible Belt.”

Fly with Me: a novel by Andie BurkeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin