Chapter 19

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*Time Skip to Tuesday*

Olivia's POV:

Sav and I walked into Grayson Stadium, and headed to our meetings. After our meetings were over, we went down to the field and got the props we needed for tonight. It was then time for lunch, so Sav and I went our separate ways and promised to meet up afterwards. I finished my lunch early, and decided to take a few laps around the stadium. While I was walking around my phone had rang, so I answered it. "Olivia, where are you right now?" It was Sav, I could tell just by her voice. "I'm walking around the stadium. I'm by the 3rd level deck." "Okay, stay there and I'll come to meet you." I didn't get a chance to ask her what was wrong, but I knew she would tell me soon. I waited about five minutes, and saw Sav walking towards me. I got up from the table I was sitting at, and walked over to her. "What's wrong, are you okay?" She was out of breath, but shook her head letting me know she was alright. "I'm guessing you haven't heard this already." Sav said as she caught her breath. I was starting to get nervous about what she was going to say. "What are you talking about Sav? Is it something with Dalt? Is he okay?" She stood up and looked at me. "No it doesn't have anything to do with Dalton, he's fine. It's actually about Tanner." I felt my heart sink to my stomach. "What's going on with Tanner?" Sav went to sit in one of the stadium seats. "Apparently someone sent Jesse the video of him fighting that guy Saturday night. There's a rule about everyone keeping a good image for the Bananas, and Jesse thought Tanner broke it. He suspended him for this game tonight. That's why he hasn't practiced at all today. He's benched just for this game because of the fight. He told the Party Animals this morning when they all first got here. Collin told me during lunch." I was shocked to be finding this out from Savanah. Without saying anything, I stood up from the stadium seat and started walking away from Sav. "Wait Liv, where are you going?" Savanah was behind me now, following me. I still didn't turn around, but kept walking. "I need to find Jesse. Tanner isn't the only one who threw a punch on Saturday." Sav ran up to walk beside me now. "You're not going to do what I think you're going to do are you?" I glanced over at her, and continued walking. "I'll see you later Sav. If I'm not in our next meeting cover for me please."

I walked around the stadium trying to find Jesse until I saw him down on the field. I walked down, and waited until he was done talking to one of the guys. Luckily for me, everyone on the field was distracted by practicing their dances for tonight. I walked over to Jesse. "Hi Jesse, can we talk for a minute please?" He turned around to face me. "Hi Olivia, yeah of course! Do you want to go sit up in the stands where it's a little more private?" I nodded, and we made our way up the steps to the seats. We sat down, and Jesse turned towards me. "So, what do you need to talk to me about?" I took a deep breath, trying to relax myself. "I just wanted to let you know that I also got into a fight on Saturday night at the bar." Jesse had his mouth open a little, like he was surprised to hear what I just said. "Okay, tell me what happened." I explained to him what the Trevor guy was doing when I first went over to the bar, and then how I found Tanner on the sidewalk. I finished with telling him that I went back into the bar, and punched Trevor in the nose. After I was done, Jesse sat looking out at the field with his pointer finger on his mouth. A few minutes had passed until he spoke. "Well, unfortunately I'm going to have to place you on probation for this game tonight. You can still wear your uniform, but you can't engage in any of the creative team's activities. I think it would be best if you just stayed in one of the dug outs tonight." I'm so glad I wasn't going to get fired over this. "Okay, I understand the rules of my probation. I'm sorry this happened, I won't let anything like this happen again." Jesse got up, and said goodbye to me as he headed back down to the field. I pulled out my phone, and called Savanah to tell her what happened.

It was game time, and I made my way to the field. Dalton saw me, and walked over as soon as I stepped onto the field. "Olivia." I could tell he was a little mad. "Dalton, before you say anything just know I was defending myself. I knew I would feel guilty if I didn't tell Jesse about me punching Trevor too." He still looked mad, but then he relaxed his face a little. "I'm not mad about you defending yourself, I'm just mad that you didn't tell me. How's your hand?" He grabbed my right hand, and I made a face when he wasn't looking. It still hurt a little, especially since he was twisting and bending it all over the place. "I didn't think it was that big of a deal to tell you Dalt, I'm sorry. My hand is fine as long as you stop twisting it the way you are." He let go of my hand. "Sorry, I'm just glad you're okay. Did you get put on probation or anything?" I shook my head yes. It was time to get some of the activities started that we did with the fans before the game officially started. Dalton and I did our handshake, and then I walked over to the Party Animals dug out.

9 Innings of Love: A Savannah Banana's and Party Animals Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now