37 | One touch

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"Miller, where are you taking me?" I asked, stumbling on the tree branches.

"You'll see." He responded, guiding me through the leaves.

We're currently walking through this forest-like place. The place was still somewhat lit by the sky, despite it being rather dark.

Earlier, when we left the hotel, we decided to skip the diner and go somewhere else. I made sure to inform my friends so they wouldn't worry. They mentioned that the teachers were too preoccupied with their own activities to notice, and some other students weren't there, wanting to do something more enjoyable on their last day.

"My legs are killing me," I complained, feeling the exhaustion taking its toll.

He smirked. " I can carry you if you need."

I chuckled and replied, "I'm good. Just give me a heads-up when we get there."

With a mischievous grin, Aiden came to an abrupt halt, causing me to bump into him. "We're here," he announced, his excitement evident.

I furrowed my brow and started to speak, but he swiftly moved aside the leafy curtain, revealing a sight that left me speechless.

There was a beautiful, huge lake; it was almost crystal-like. The lake, partially frozen, glistened under the moonlight, creating a mesmerizing view. But that wasn't the best part; behind the lake in the background was a beautiful waterfall, a small one gracefully cascading down icy rocks.

I was surprised to see that the water was still flowing despite the cold; it created delicate icicles that hang from the surrounding branches.

"Aiden, this is-" I couldn't find the words to describe this place. "How did you-"

Aiden gently took hold of my hand and led me to a small bench that offered the perfect point to take in the breathtaking view. "I told you I lived in New York for most of my life."

"Yeah, but still, how did you even find a place like this?"

Aiden let out a sigh, his smile filled with nostalgia. "My brother used to bring me here whenever things got tough with our dad. It became our sanctuary, a place to get away from all the chaos. I guess it's a piece of my past that I wanted to share with you."

I smiled, interwitting my hands with his "Well, it's beautiful."

There was a silence that enveloped us, only broken by the distant sound of a gentle breeze rustling through the branches.

The sky above is like a canvas of deep blues and purples, adorned with countless stars. Their reflection shimmered on the calm water, creating a breathtaking mirror-like effect.

It's a moment of pure serenity where time seems to stand still, and I can't help but be in awe of the beauty that surrounds me.

I hesitated for a moment, my voice barely above a whisper. "Aiden"

He responded with a gentle "hm."

"Did you ever feel any hatred towards me?" The question had been lingering in my mind ever since that moment at the library when he asked me the same.

There was a brief silence, the weight of the question hanging in the air. Then Aiden spoke softly. "Not hate. The emotions I had were similar to what you felt, but they didn't linger for as long."

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