25 | Thoughts

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Tonight was different. Thoughts of Aiden Miller kept flooding my mind. This is something that usually happens, but these thoughts are different. Before, they were thinking about how annoying he was, but it's different.

I actually had a good night today thanks to him. As soon as he came, the atmosphere shifted and I felt nice. Tonight was nice.

I've never felt like this since I was with him. Something feels different, and I've been feeling it this whole night while I was with him.

Since being in his company, I haven't experienced these emotions to such a degree before. There's an obvious shift in the air, and throughout the entire night spent with him, this feeling has been ever-present.

It's as if something different had transpired, and I can't help but revel in it.

Don't tell me.

The next day

"Oh, my head hurts." I groaned as I made my way downstairs.

"You better not have been drinking yesterday, Zhera," my mom warned, with a skeptical look as she sipped her coffee.

"Don't worry, mom, I wasn't." I could see the doubt lingering in her eyes as she raised both eyebrows, clearly unconvinced.

Rolling my eyes in response, I continued on my way to the refrigerator to find something to ease my headache.

My dad chimed in from behind me as he made his way downstairs. "Let her live, Hunny; she's almost eighteen, you know," he interjected.

"Keyword: almost, which is not eighteen," she emphasized.

"Mom, I'm turning eighteen in like a couple of weeks."

"Ah, Zhera, you're all grown up now." My father cooed with a warm smile.

My birthday was just around the corner, in mid-December, and I'm both excited and not about it. It feels like just another day that will pass by.

The only good thing about it is that it's around the time we go on our senior winter trip. So I'm excited about that.

Spending my birthday with my friends in the city of New York seems like something straight out of a movie. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention we're going to New York for our trip.

My dad's words brought me back to the present, and I smiled softly. "I know, Dad," I replied, with a sigh.

"So who dropped you off last night? that was a nice car"

I came to a sudden halt, unsure of how to respond. "Uh, it was Aiden," I replied, my voice slightly faltering.

"Oh, so you guys are friends now?" my mom inquired, curiosity lacing her words.

"Not exactly," I replied, my tone tinged with uncertainty.

The truth was, I couldn't quite classify what Aiden and I were to each other. We weren't complete strangers, but at the same time, we weren't exactly friends either. Our conversations were a mix of constant bickering and occasional normal conversations. However, lately, things have been different, and I found it hard to put into words.

I sighed, realizing that our relationship was difficult to explain.

As I continued doing my breakfast, I felt my dad's stare on me. I looked back and spotted him smiling—the same look he had when Aiden was at my house.

I couldn't help but groan as I walked into first period. It was my so-called "favourite" class, but that was before I realized I had to endure the presence of none other than Michael.

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