Chapter 2 - All Hail!

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The morning came quick and Lauren wasted no time in studying the bot with her upmost care.

Securing the doors behind her, the young woman moved to put her hair up, before grabbing her rolling ladder.

Hoisting herself up, she got a better look at the bot with the overhead light. She was equal parts amazed and intrigued at the complexity of the machinery.

If it was dead, she could definitely see why. It looked like it had been blown to bits. Chunks of metal were amiss, wires stuck out haphazardly, and some areas were just warped by what she assumed had to have been intense heat of some kind.

Whether or not it was human or bot doing was beyond her and quite frankly, she didn't care.

Sapphire eyes roamed its body and she quickly spotted, what she could only assume was oil, leaking from its chest plate. It was a steady stream and had formed a small puddle on the floor.

Lauren huffed, oil was a bitch to clean up. Hell, for all she knew it wasn't oil at all. She didn't understand alien anatomy, but it was worth a try. Sure, why not?

Carefully, the smaller woman stepped onto his chest fully. She felt small, smaller than she ever had in her whole life.

The leak was coming from beyond a fold of warped metal.

With her gloves ready, she slipped her fingers below the hem and pulled with all her might. Even going as fat as to throw her weight back. It hardly budged. And what did she really expect? To be able to simply pry apart alien tech with her bare hands?

With a grunt, she relented her hold and slid off its torso.

Quickly, she returned with the car jack. It was worth a shot. And if her ingenious plan failed then she had a broken car jack and an alien.

Wedging the small metal tool into place, she cranked it and after a few rough movements, the metal piece hissed and released.

A smile played onto her lips as she kicked the jack away and forced the fold up and open.

Lauren spotted the source of the leak quickly. A small pool of the oil like liquid had collected in the cavity.

That can't be good. She crouched and reached her hand into the opening with little regard. It definitely had the consistency of oil. Is it... bleeding? Can robots bleed?

Pulling an anvil clamp from her pocket she hastily located the leak and clamped it harshly. It didn't stop the secretion, but it definitely slowed it. It'd have to work. "Sorry." She found herself apologizing as she moved off to grab what more she needed.

With some effort, she hauled up the the items she needed; a fluid pump, a rag respectively, varying sizes of tubing, and her good nature.

Seating herself, she set up the fluid pump and hastily began sucking out all the excess liquid, allowing her room to work and see.

Hastily she tried the tubing.

Nope, too small. No, not long enough. Too big. This one!

Lauren smiled as she fit the flexible tube around the leaking hose and to the adjacent.

"I hope this works bud." She spoke to the air as she secured it in place to the best of her ability. Not knowing if the liquid was flammable and or combustible left her with limited options.

It would do. Definitely not permanent, but it work for the time being.

Feels like fixing up a car. A really big car. She wiped her hands along her pant leg with a huff. It was another sweltering day.

With that out of the way she continued on with her assessments. Part of her felt like she was playing doctor, it was amusing.

And that's how the day went for the most part; fix some wiring here, fix some there, connect the doo-hicky to the thingy, water break, tighten some stuff, replace missing nuts and bolts the best she could, pull some debris from the nooks and crannies, change the radio station again.

She had even taken it upon herself to extract what she now knew as a shell of some kind. The weapon that fired the thing must've been massive. And, again, she questioned if it were human or alien. Not knowing if it was live or not, she took it to the field behind her home and left it in a trashcan.

Not taking any chances. Hell, she was already putting her ass on the line with the alien robot. No more chances.

Night came quickly once more and she found it hard to pull herself from what she was working on.

Just this then I'll quit for the night... Lauren told herself for the second time as she shifted up towards the bot's head area.

She would admit, it's face was sorta unnerving. Why did it need sharp teeth? Did it eat? No, that was absurd, it's a robot! But, it's also an alien, so does that make a difference?

Her questions went unanswered as she studied the upmost antenna on its head. The identical one of the opposite side of its head had been damaged. And, from what she could gather with limited knowledge, the wiring seemed to be okay for the most part, but the metal casing was amiss along with most of the right side of its face plate.

She scooted her way up to twist the wires back together. Easy considering everything seemed to correspond in color. Gently, she stripped the wires before sliding on some new covering. With a few twists and a bit more covering to secure them, she finished. A small red light blinked atop the adjacent antenna. So, she must've done something right, now to just pray nothing detonates while she sleeps.

However, the plates and casings were a different story. It was an easy fix she thought, but it'd have to wait till tomorrow.

She had to have some self control, or else she'd work through the night with no sleep and no dinner (and it definitely wouldn't be the first time). Her stomach growled in protest as she got to her feet and slid down the side of the bot's torso.

Stumbling to her feet, she glanced to the mech once more and left the barn for the night.


It was the ping he, they, had been waiting for. Their Lord, their master.

Megatron's systems were online and readily active.

"Lord Megatron has pinged." Barricade broadcasted over his shared hailing frequency.

"Hey! Hey! You know the rules, all systems are supposed to be offline!" A human male yelled from his control center. "Are you listening to me?!"

Barricade ignored the human as they spoke back.

"All hail, Lord Megatron!" Barricade grumbled as he fought his restraints with ease.


People, workers, and scientists alike scrambled around the facility in terror as the captive transformer freed himself with relative ease, leaving a wake of destruction and death.

"Oh, free at last! Praise Lord Megatron! I'm free at last baby!" The cyclops decepticon strutted from his holding cell, using his pedes to not so gently kick humans like bugs. He clapped his hands together theatrically. "Nitro Zeus knows where all 'ya wives live!" He jested in the sea of chaos. "Thank you for your hospitality." He bowed before barreling through the walls of the facility to his ultimate freedom.

Barricade growled at the one eyed decepticon as he fled. Not much for his antics as the cruiser equipped his arm cannon. He blew everything to smithereens, anything that got in his way.

A massive form flew out before him and swiftly removed the cluster of humans that scrambled for the exit. A roar echoed the facility as Doombot bared his fangs. He, too swiftly left.

"These people need bigger doors!" A deep masculine voice called out. Barricade turned to Onslaught as he fired off another shot. Barricade glared at the stout decepticon.

"Leave." Barricade hissed as he advanced towards Berserker's holding quarters, which was far more equipped than his own and for good reason.

Onslaught quickly picked up on Barricades plan and left, not wanting to be within distance when a seriously pissed off Berserker was set free.

Barricade demolished his way through the door to Berserker's chamber.

Berserker thrashed and spat through his muzzle, all humans since fleeing.

Barricade narrowed his optics as he approached the blood thirsty decepticon and ripped the muzzle from his face.

"Barricade, a pleasure." Berserker hissed out sarcastically.

The police cruiser, with some effort, freed the larger decepticon who readily pounced on the small control center, tearing it to shreds in an act of self soothing.

"All hail Lord Megatron!" Barricade exclaimed before transforming into his cruiser and speeding off.

"All hail..." Berserker cooed as he followed suit.

The free decepticons fled their holding facility as they all synced up their personal hailing frequencies.

The ping from their Lord had no location and there was no response on the frequency, but the ping alone was enough. It was all they needed.

Every decepticon across the globe received it.

Lord Megatron lived. 

Make sure to vote on the story! It really helps out! I love you all and I'll see you next chapter! ♡

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora