Chapter 7 - Rainfall

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She didn't enter the shop that morning in favor of her overly firm bed. When she did get up, it was well past noon and the sun was buried behind think plumes of rain clouds, casting dim light through the curtains.

It was another hour before she dragged herself out the house and up the gravel path to her shop just as thunder began to rumble. Rain soon followed in its wake. 

Megatron was sat stock still, head slightly tilted downward. Rest mode, she assumed.

Lauren offered no words as she sat herself at her workbench to busy herself. She quietly switched the radio on and turned the volume dial down so that the music was that of a whisper.

She needed a distraction. Anything besides her own thoughts was preferable. Anything at all.

"This one is for those rainy day blues, going out to all you soul searching mother fuckers out there. B.o.B."

Was early pop her preferred music taste? No, not by a long shot, but the station usually never touched on alien robots and war. It wasn't like she hated the music, but it got repetitive.

Her distraction of choice was picked with little to no thought; an old window air conditioner unit. The paint weathered by time and use, but maybe it wasn't a total lost cause. She knew how much a new one ran for and of someone could get it for cheap, it'd sell in a hurry. Now all she had to do was actually fix it and part of that was figuring out what the hell was wrong with it in the first place.

She welcomed the challenge openly.

"And all the pandemonium and all the madness-" She mouthed the words of the song in hushed whispers as she unscrewed the grate thoughtfully. "There comes a time where you fade to the blackness..."

The pitter-patter of the heavy rain fall sounded in the background like white noise, muffling the outside world and all the problems it brought.

Further disassembly revealed one of many problems that added to her ever-growing list. The condenser coils were virtually unrecognizable they were so dirty. A hard expression crossed her face. It wasn't unfixable, but it would definitely be a bitch to clean. She hoped the coils weren't rusted.

Lauren bobbed her head subtly to the music mouthing the words absent mindedly as she worked. "Somebody take me back to the days before this was a job, before I got paid." 


Megatron had not moved, not one inch. His rest mode had been disturbed by a noise he could now place as the femme. The decepticon's first reaction would've been to spit venom and to rage outwardly at the foolishness of her actions, but restrained himself once he noticed her disposition.

The femme was trying to be quiet, for his sake.

Was she quiet by his definition? No. He could hear her breathing and the familiar frequency of the archaic radio.

She hadn't acknowledged him or his overbearing presence when she'd crept in. Maybe it was the fear of waking him that drove her to silence, he couldn't be sure.

His optics followed her movements like a predator waiting to pounce on unsuspecting prey, but she didn't seem to acknowledge his hulking form as she fiddled with human scrap, pulling it apart and breaking it down to smaller pieces that meant nothing. Her movements were careful and thought out as to not tamper with the parts negatively.

It was scrap, why be so obliging to something of no purpose? No use?

Humans. The word was sour and he hated it. Hated them and everything they stood for.

Inevitable (Megatron x FEM/OC)Where stories live. Discover now