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Empty and numb, I lay here feeling heavy.
Empty but heavy is my heart.
A pain buzzes throughout me on a daily basis.
My eyes, as pure as they may seem, carry the burden of what I have seen.
My brain carries the burden of the war field integrated in my mind hosting the battles between peace and pure chaos and hurt.
My life was altered and taken from me at a young age.
Maturity settled in way too quickly.
Pained is the whiny voice of the younger me.
Pained from tears of screaming, screaming for attention and love.
Screaming to be heard and let out.
All we wanted, was a place to feel like home.
When anger and tensions rise, i regress to a more primitive emotional state.
When stress builds up I always seem to drown in it.
Pained is my heart, scarred are my eyes.
Tears roll down my cheeks on to the freshly washed bedding as I fantasies about giving in.
Blood, blade, control, satisfaction.
                                                                             ~ Alz

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