𝟎𝟏𝟓. return to the districts

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chapter fifteen
return to the districts

It's been about a week. Coriolanus hasn't demanded they leave yet, and Avery was glad that things were going well. For the most part...

She found out that Coryo killed Sejanus and that doesn't sit right with her. He still has his angry moments, but Coriolanus has been of no harm to her.

But they've had some... intense moments. Their tension is like no other. Every time Coriolanus enters the room, Avery just wants to kiss him. It's a mutual feeling too.

She wants to express her true and deep feelings for Coriolanus, but she's afraid of his reaction. It's clear that they're both attracted to each other, but what would he say if Avery admitted that she wanted something serious with him?

She brushed away the thought.

Of course it was still in pain, but Avery had found it easier to walk on her ankle. She still has trouble here and there, but she doesn't have to have Coryo carry her everywhere now.

Coriolanus came barging through the door. "I have a plan."

Avery was alerted at his sudden move, and frowned when she realized that he didn't come back with any food for them. Her stomach growled lowly and she turned a bit red in embarrassment.

Coriolanus ignored this, cutting straight to telling her about this plan of his. "I think I can get us both back to normal life."

Avery saw this coming. Coriolanus couldn't stand being away from luxury for even a week. Even though he said "us", Avery couldn't help but feel like she was going to be abandoned by him.

Then again, she liked the idea of "us". Her and Coriolanus together. Her and him against the world.

"Coryo, what are you talking about?"

"I have connections back at the Capitol, Avery. I should be in enough power to bring you with me."

Avery wasn't sure about that at all. Her going to the Capitol?! She didn't believe the fact that she wouldn't get killed.

She would leave her Districts and family behind to go to a place that is the source of her problems. She would also be risking her life by going with Coriolanus.

But who else did she have left? Did she have any other option? Avery wouldn't be accepted back in her district.

Two options.

1. Be in the woods alone and likely die of starvation.
2. Follow the most important person in your life to the place that probably wants you dead.

Neither option was great. "I thought we were doing good out here."

Coriolanus immediately cupped Avery's face in his hands. Ever since they shared their first kiss, Coriolanus had been a lot more touchy (to Avery's liking).

"I can give you a life of luxury, Av. Don't you want that?"

His words were tempting, especially coming from his stunning lips.

Avery was having an internal battle until she decided against her brain. "I'll go with you."

Coriolanus's lips were torn between a smirk and a genuine smile.

"When do we leave?" she asked.


Avery gasped a little. "Oh, I didn't realize it was that soon..."

"Grab anything you need, Av. I'll be waiting for you outside."

Avery gathered the few things she had left. If her and Coryo weren't leaving, she wasn't sure how long they would last out here. She only had a bit of food and supplies that she assumed would only last her until she got back to District 12.

The walk back was tense to say the least. Avery was wondering if she was going to die when she returned to 12.

"How are we going to get to the Captiol?"

"Doctor Gaul is sending a personal hovercraft to pick me up. I'll ensure that you get on it aswell. I don't want to be apart from you at all."

He had already made that clear. Avery's mind flashed back to when he almost went mad after she went to pick katniss in the woods.

"Doctor Gaul?" Avery furrowed at the unfamiliar name.

"The head Gamemaker."

Avery knew she immediately wouldn't like Gaul considering that she is the person most directly in charge of the Hunger Games.

Little did she know, she would hate Volumnia Gaul, who is completely psychotic. She is also determined to bring out the deepest evils from within Coriolanus.

Avery just nodded. She knew that they had reached her district when she smelt the smoky scent in the air and saw the beautiful woods in the distance.

When they got further into District 12, Avery began to think of her family. Her heart yearned for them and she smiled while thinking of her sisters.

Would Coriolanus let her bring them to the Captiol? Would she at least be able to tell them goodbye one last time?

She tapped Coryo and he turned around and looked at her as if she was the only person in the world.

"Can I see Gretch and Gwynn?" Avery asked hopefully.

Coriolanus acted like her question was incredibly stupid when it was actually very important to Avery.

"You know the answer to that. It's too dangerous."

Avery stopped in her tracks. "Maybe I should just go back to my home and take the risk of getting executed. I'm sorry, Coryo. It might be the best thing for my family-"

His hand grabbed her wrist, pulling Avery close to him. "I can't let you do that."

"What? Coryo, let go!" she exclaimed.

Coriolanus kept a firm grip on her. "I'm protecting you. I will not take the risk of getting you killed, Avery Spade."

He was much stronger than Avery remembered. No wonder he was such a good mentor to Lucy Gray.

Avery was praying that Lucy Gray and her sisters are ok.

"What about them? What if they get killed?"

"If you come back, they will get killed," Coriolanus whispered back urgently.

Avery felt like she had no choice when she was really just letting herself be restrained by Coriolanus. He's very persuasive.

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