𝟎𝟎𝟒. meet me in the rain

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chapter four
meet me in the rain

It's been about two weeks since Avery has seen Coriolanus Snow.

She  had to carry out her normal routines as a District 12 citizen, but the entire time she was thinking about him. Him with his beautiful eyes and gentle touch.

He had his own dreaded duties too; he was a Peacekeeper after all. It was like he suddenly disappeared from her life as soon as he entered it.

Avery was disappointed that he didn't visit her. It wasn't like she could go and find him; she would likely get killed.

She hasn't even seen Sejanus since he escorted her home. Part of her wanted to commit a crime just to get the Peacekeepers' attention; specifically Coriolanus's.

It was pouring rain today, and Avery managed to get fresh bread to share with her sisters. They were extremely excited to get food that was both fresh and delicious. She had her own hunting to thank for that.

During the period of these two weeks, Avery was able to talk to Jessie. Sejanus was right, and she was able to get out on her own and she was completely fine.

Avery questioned how she knew Sejanus, but Jessie was vague in her answers. The whole topic was rather odd. Sejanus is easy to get along with, so it's not surprising that he was able to make many friends in District 12.

Avery walked through the trees until she finally arrived at her home. Her eyes widened when she saw a tiny slip of paper in front of the door.

She bent down and picked it up in her freezing hands. She was drenched from the rain and had to fight to read the words on the slip of paper.

It read, meet me in the rain at midnight-c.s.

The note was from Coriolanus, which made Avery smile more than she had all day or even all week. He hadn't forgotten about her just as she hadn't forgotten about him.

She awaited midnight.

It was 11:56 P.M. Avery was four minutes early, but she was eager to see Coriolanus. She made sure her sisters were safely asleep and then she exited her home.

As soon as she stepped further away from her home, Avery knew it was still raining. Droplets trickled down her face as she shivered a little bit.

No one was outside that she could see. Avery quietly walked in the darkness. She was out past curfew, but she was willing to take that risk.

She looked around until she spotted a figure. The figure began to move closer and the small shine of the lights on the path she was on illuminated his face. It was Coriolanus.

Her face lit up when she saw him. "Coryo," she greeted.

The nickname had just slipped out, but it suited him well. His face lit up. Coriolanus looked her up and down and he ran his hands through her waved hair.

"Coryo, I like that," he mumbled.

"It's been a while since we've seen each other," Avery pointed out, her mind beginning to go blank as he made physical contact with her.

There was some unspoken thing between them; a tension that's been there since they've met. Neither one of them have said anything about it, but Avery felt it.

She studied Coriolanus. Water was dripping down his face and he stood tall and confidently. Something about him was just so attractive.

The rain was refreshing. Earlier Avery dreaded running errands in the downpour, but she felt special standing out here in the storm in front of Coriolanus.

"Avery, I've been meaning to visit you for a while now."

"I've been waiting for you."

There was a want in Coriolanus's eyes. "There's something different about you, Avery Spade. Something that sets you apart from the other district citizens."

Avery felt special. Coriolanus may be implying that she's "different", but most importantly he's implying that he sees her as more value than others.

She didn't think of herself as above anyone else, but she wanted to be important to someone. Her sisters were a given, but no one had shown her this much attention before at random.

Coriolanus was strong and he was clever and Avery felt protected by him. She was willing to bet that Coriolanus would protect her if other Peacekeepers tried to turn her in if they were caught together.

Coriolanus Snow is a good man, and that is Avery's everlasting belief.

"How different is life in the districts? Than the Capitol, I mean."

"I've been fed well and I've enjoyed the company of Sejanus and the other soldiers. But is way more tedious and boring here, no offense to your district. I miss my family back at the Capitol."

Avery knew that it was probably hard to transition from such wealth and luxury to a place like District 12, one of the poorest districts. It can be awful, but it's Avery's home.

"Who are they?"

"My grandmother and my cousin, Tigris." Coriolanus looked down a bit in grieving. "I lost both my mother and my father."

There was another thing they had in common. Coriolanus and Avery are both orphans who live hard lives.

"My parents are gone too."

They looked at each other, their connection deepening.

"I have something for you, Avery," Coriolanus said softly before pulling something out of what seemed like thin air again.

Coriolanus never failed to amaze Avery with his spontaneous gifts. She kept the rose he gave her in a small vase. It was surely going to die soon, but Avery wanted to treasure the gift.

He ushered her back to her doorstep where they were dry again. And then Coriolanus handed her an orange scarf.

"It was my mother's," he explained.

Avery felt honored and immediately warmed when she wrapped it around herself. "Thank you so much, Coryo."

"Tell me about her."

A smile crept onto his lips. "She died in childbirth, losing who would have been my little sister. But I remember how wonderful she was and that she smelt of roses."

Avery felt the warm feeling of empathy wash over her again. Her hand ran along Coriolanus's arm as she looked down and then smelt the aroma of the scarf.

"It really does smell like roses. I'm sorry about your mother."

"This is why I wanted you to have it. You make me feel cared for like she did."

Avery was touched. She felt herself radiate felicity with every word Coriolanus spoke. She would never forget this night. It was a completely random reunion, and it was between her and a Peacekeeper she met two weeks ago.

"Please visit me again, Coryo," Avery requested with a pleading to her voice. She was addicted to him.

He pressed his head against her. "I will, I promise."

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