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POVs/ timeskips
Actions and happenings

3rd Pov

We see the black bulls hideout as the sun is busy rising and birds can be heard chirping away as we near the hideout

Narrator: the day begins early for a magic knight, the is much to be done before the sun goes down.

We then hear screaming coming from inside and see Asta running around the hideout and see Asta cleaning the house all over and then doing laundry while Bahamut was busy feeding the beasts and is seen petting them before throwing a piece of meat to one of them

Bahamut: you guys sure are obedient one of the beasts bite him taking half his body in its mouth while he laughs and speaks in a muffled tone hey! Cut it out! You're breath stinks! He says playfully before the beast lets him go and he throws it a piece of meat

Next we see Asta knocking on Yami's door trying to wake him up gently until a yell from down the hall is heard and Bahamut waves Asta down while he tries shushing him

Bahamut: Asta! I'm all done with my chores! Come on, let's get some training done! He shouts from all the way down the hall causing at echo before a purple glow bursts from behind the door

Yami: shut the hell up newbies! He shouts and Bahamut and Asta are seen running down the hall as fast they can and they're then seen outside with all the laundry Asta washed hanging on the lines

Asta: he lets out a relieved sigh while wiping his forehead another day of back breaking, casual labour.

Bahamut: yep! He smiles being in a magic knight squad is a lot different to what I thought his smile drops and he had a look of despair on his face

Asta: he screams how is this any different to what we did back home!? What does a magic knight squad do!? Bahamut scratches his head

Bahamut: help the kingdom and its people? He says with his arms crossed and a thoughtful expression

Short Timeskip
Bahamut Pov

We were inside of the hideouts dining hall and Asta and I were sitting on either side of Noelle while eating and I couldn't get enough of this food! We had meat! It was so like heaven and had me in tears

Bahamut: ""I get to eat meat just by feeding a couple of animals!? This is like a dream come true!"" I kept eating but stopped once I heard Asta speak to Noel

Asta: hey Noelle, how come you never help with cleaning and stuff? He says as he turns to her

Bahamut: I still had food in my mouth but spoke of course she doesn't, she is a little princess of course. I say plainly

Noelle: stop calling me that! She says with a flushed and angry expression while Bahamut keeps eating and besides that, I'm royalty.

Asta: and a new recruit! He says angrily while Bahamut looked at the both of them talking

Noelle: I've never done cleaning or laundry in my life, why would I start now? She said sounding like she was bragging

Bahamut: so you're bragging about being a royal bum? He said smugly while Asta kept arguing and Noelle kept bring up her being Royalty

Asta: he looked to Magna hey uh-what exactly does a magic knight squad do? He asked while Bahamut nodded before Magna exclaimed in disbelief

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