The black bulls

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POVs/ Timeksips
Actions and occurrences

Bahamut Pov

I watched the fire still burning in front of me while Asta was on the ground before getting up with sand in his mouth as he shook his head getting rid of it and his face became determined once more

Asta: no! I'm not done! He runs up again but out of the fire a fireball flies out of it right towards Asta as his hit directly

Bahamut: good grief. We then walked in by the hole in the wall to see all the other members with two boys fighting, a almost naked lady on the couch a tiny girl eating, a guy staring at a picture with a bloody nose and a huge guy with smoke coming from his mouth

Finrel: looks like their at it again. Bahamut watched with an annoyed expression mainly towards the two fighting senselessly

Bahamut: "none of them are like captain Yami, pretty disappointing but hey, these are my new friends so I gotta learn to love 'em." I look to my left as Asta steps forward

Asta: I'm Asta from Hage village! I'm a black bull now to! He then shouts loudly some day, I'm gonna become the wizard king! He shouted but even that couldn't catch the peoples attention and the other two kept fighting

Bahamut: I look between the two people fighting seeing a blue colour flowing through them ""they have pretty decent amounts of mana but nothing like captain Yami's, his is like a Mana ocean."" The people kept arguing not taking note of anyone as Asta was as white as paper and I could feel my respect for everyone here plummet as Asta's hit with another stray fireball while they argued like children and fought each other

Yami: alright. He raises his hand with a purple aura surrounding it catching a Bahamut's attention as he slammed it against the wall quite breaking stuff already!!! His scream echoed through the area as the place basically fell apart as everyone looked at him

All: Captain! They ran towards him while Bahamut stepped to the side and Asta got trampled while they all spoke to Yami

Mohawk: how was it? Did you find us an arrogant newbie? I can take 'em down a notch or to! He was then pushed out the way by the blonde guy

Blonde guy: please sir! Can I go up against you today!? Come on he punched the air don't hold back

Drunk lady: now, now, forget all these little brats and drink with me she said while looking up at Yami

Tiny girl: hey, hey! Eat this! It's really good, take a big bite, go on! Bahamut looked at her while tilting his head thinking she was a child

Shaggy haired guy: I'm sorry, I can't take it anymore, may I please go see my sister? He said begging and the big guy just blowed smoke from his mouth while Yami laughed

Yami: yeah, yeah, glad to know how much you've missed me his tone then became serious now shut up, will ya? They all sat on their knees in a row while apologising I'd like you all to meet our new he looked to his side at Bahamut but could find Asta huh? Where'd he go?

Bahamut: I sigh and point at the big guy he's currently stuck. Asta was trapped under the big dudes knees while calling for help I'll get him. I move over and effortlessly lift the big guys knee and pick up Asta by his collar you're really danger prone buddy. I place him of his feet and dust him off while we stood besides Yami

Yami: now, this little Shrimp and Tough guy are our other new members Bahamut tilts his head wondering what he means by that go on, tell them you're names or something.

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