chapter five

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jades POV

it's the next day after that little incident with y/n. I won't get close to her I refuse to let her get close to me. I walk into school y/n's at her locker, I wanna go talk to her but I can't.

I'm going to start writing my song for the full moon jam and it's going to be called 'you don't know me'. I walk to class it's the first class of the day and it's with y/n. I sit down basically throwing myself into the chair. y/n is in the class already, talkingyuh
to some girl. She comes and sit down next to me in her assigned seat. she doesn't say a word. good, that's good right? I think to myself.

after class she walks out I wait a second then I walk out. that was so awkward, i wanted to say something anything even if it was mean. I just wanted to say something to her but I didn't. I walk out into the hallway, and go to my locker then I look over and see beck standing there smirking. before I can even register what's going on, I watch as beck sticks out his foot and trips y/n. as soon as I see that I start feeling the anger boil up inside.

"what the fuck is wrong with you" I hear y/n yell to beck

I immediately storm over there, holding out my hand to help y/n up. "are you okay" I ask sincerely

"yeah i'm fine" she says standing up brushing herself off.

"get over yourself asshole, I did nothing to you. so stop acting like a child, your 17 years old act like it. fucking jerk" y/n says bumping into beck as she walks away

"what was that!" I yell at beck

"baby please, I want you back" he says grabbing my hands smiling like a fucking idiot

I snatch my hands away from his, "don't touch me, we are never getting back together! after the shit you just pulled, I can't believe you" I say shouting

"oh so you can treat our friends like shit but it's so crazy when I do it." he says smirking

"I-I" I stutter

I have nothing to say back because he's right. I treat everyone like shit, and expect them to just take it. I did it to y/n and the rest of our friends, and somehow they are still my friends. I walk away fast.

"of course you run away, because you know i'm right." beck shouts as I walk away

I go to the bathroom and see y/n in there leaning on the sinks sighing. I walk up to her.

"I didn't need your help back there..I handled it" she says looking away

I would usually say something mean, but this time I won't . "I know" I say quietly

she squeezes past me and starts walking out. "why do you do that?" she asking turning around to look at me. 

"what." I say crossing my arms

"you push people away, I don't know what I did yesterday but that was crazy. I can not be your friend if you are going to continue to do things to hurt me in order to push me away, I won't take that. I want to be your friend, just think about it, and come talk to me when you learn that pushing people away is not going to get you anywhere." She says sternly yet softly then she walks out

your pov:

there were tears forming in jade's eyes. how could I make jade cry? jade doesn't cry unless it's over beck.

I go sit in the black box theater, I put on my headphones and listen to music for a while. After a while andre comes and sits down next to me.

"hey, where ya been?" he asks

"here, just sitting" I say back taking out my headphones

"well what's got you so down in the dumps?" he ask bumping our shoulders together

jade west x female reader Where stories live. Discover now