chapter three

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Jade's POV:

I walk over to y/n at her locker, she glances at me and quickly closes it and hurries away. I squint my eyes in confusion.

the whole rest of the day is like that, she sees me and runs away from me like i'm some freak. I finally see her at her locker at the end of the day. I sneak up on her.

"hey!" I shout

she jumps and turns around, as soon as she sees me she looks around. "hey jade..." she says chuckling nervously

"why have you been avoiding me?" I question with a scowl on my face

"I uh haven't" she says glancing away from me then back to me quickly

"your lying."

"no..i'm not" she says closing her eyes "jade I really gotta go"

"I don't think so, give me a real answer why have you been avoiding me?" I say demanding and answer

"my mom said to be home right away.." she lies

"it's one minute after the bell rang, answer me!" I demand

"I did.." she tries to walk past

I place my hand on her waist, and push her into the lockers gently. I can see her getting flustered which makes me smirk.

"why have you been avoiding me?" I ask again leaning her into the locker more after each word

I see her starting to blush.

"okay, okay i give up" she says slightly shaking her head

"be-" she cuts her self off and look past me again she sighs

"what?.." I say staring her

she sighs again looking over my shoulder, I turn to see who she's looking at with my hand still plastered on her waist. Its beck of course.

"hey creep! stop staring and go away!" I shout at him

he stands there for a second staring y/n down, after a second he walks off.

"okay now tell me, right now!"

"beck told me to stay away from you" she says quietly

"what?!" I say getting really angry

"he told my to 'stay away from his girlfriend'" she says looking away

"I broke up with him we are not dating!!" I shout

"that's what I said" she says looking down

he has no right to come to my friends and tell them to stay away from my like i'm his property. I'm thinking to myself and i'm pissed. I hear y/n wince, I look at her. Then realize my hand is still in her waist and i'm squeezing it really hard. I let go.

"i'm sorry, i'm really sorry it was an accident" I say not wanting her to be afraid of my like everyone else

I back up a little bit. "hey it's okay, I know" she say gently

"what's his fucking problem!.." I shout more to myself than anyone else

I look at her, she looks like she's holding something back. "did he say anything else?"

"no, that's was it." she says lying again

"what else did he say?" I ask knowing she's lying

"he just called me a lesbian was no big deal really " she says mumbling

"stop lying to me, i can tell when you lie." I say grabbing her hand and dragging her out of the doors

"so listen you are going to get in your car and follow me to my house" I tell her

jade west x female reader Where stories live. Discover now