Still alive

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As you made your way into the school building, you were quickly greeted by Randy. He was standing at the front doors into the school, and Billy was with him

shocking, you definitely wasn't expecting those two hanging out

When Randy noticed you he pointed at you and yelled "ITS ALIVE"

Billy quickly smacked his head. That interaction made you smile

"What?! What did I do" randy said as he was turning around

"He just had a near death experience last night, don't you think you should be a little thoughtful, he almost fucking died" Billy said looking randy in the eyes

"Well, am I wrong? He's alive!" he then ran up to you and gave you the tightest hug and ofc you hug him back awkwardly...

Billy shook his head, and walk towards you and randy while smiling at you

Billy and randy walked with you to the other side of the building because you had class there, randy talked about which person he thinks is the killer but willam just looked at him like he was insane or something

You said goodbye to the boys as you enter your classroom, you were hoping no one would interrogate you about last night but group of your classmates swarmed you and started asking questions

*quick time skip to lunchtime*

you were thinking if you should just go home or not like i mean your teachers wouldn't mind sense the thing happened a day ago. But you figured a distraction would be nice, rather just sitting in your room all day

"Hey y/n" you heard Billy greet "How're you holding up?"

"If one more person asks me that, I'm going to flip my shit" you thought to yourself

"yea i'm holding up pretty well 'thanks' for asking"

"Do you wanna have lunch with me and my friends? I know usually Casey drags you to sit with us" stu said as he appeared behind billy

"sure i wouldn't mind" you began to walk with the two to fountain

"y/n " Randy shouted happily, waving at you

"We were just talking about you!"


"Not exactly" tatum corrected

"We were talking about the questions they asked during the interviews"

sidney on the other hand...looked like she was about to have a mental breakdown. But she suddenly asked the most wild and random question

"How do you... gut someone?"

it went silent for a solid 6 seconds then suddenly stu replied with

"You take a knife, and you split em from groin to sternum"

ok now how THE FUCK does he know how to fucking GUT someone, Could be be it?

The entire table was giving Stu a collective eye roll, a sign of their collective feelings of annoyance and disapproval

Stu frowned, looking at all of us, "What? She asked"

"It's called tact, fuckrag" Billy told him

"Hey Stu, didn't you used to date Casey" sidney asked

"Yeah, for like... two seconds" stu replied

you glared at stu. Stu was acting suspicious but he couldn't be the killer right?

billy noticed you glaring at stu but didn't say anything

"Yea, before she dumped him for Steve" Randy said

"I thought you dumped her for me" tatum said, sounding a bit offended

"I did" Stu argued "He's full of shit!"

"And are the police aware you dated the victim?" Randy asked

"What are you trying to say? That I killed her?"

"It would certainly improve your high school Q"

"Stu was with me last night" tatum defeated

"Was that before or after he sliced and diced.."

"Fuck you nutcase, where were you last night" tatum interrogated, clearly annoyed.

"Working, Thank you" Randy replied

"At the video store? i thought they fired your ass" sidney asked

"Twice" Randy told her

"I didn't kill anybody" Stuart interrupting the conversation that randy and sidney were having

"Nobody said you did" Billy stated

stu smiled and looked at Billy "Thanks buddy" His expression was one of pure elation, radiating positivity in a way that could only be described as idiotic

"Besides" Randy, doing an impeccable impersonation of Stu, said, "It takes a mAN to do something like that" He was referring to what he said earlier

"Yeah?" Stu responded sarcastically, his unamused expression palpable as he towered over Randy. His voice was full of spite as he threatened "I'm gonna gut your ass in a second kid."

Yea. This bitch could definitely a murderer

"Tell me something, did you really put her liver in the mailbox? Cause I heard that they found her liver in the mailbox next to her spleen and pancreas"

"Randy you goon" tatum shouted "Fuck, I'm trying to eat here!"

"Thats fucking disgusting, i'm now glad that i got knocked out" you replied

"Tatum's getting mad alright," Stuart warned, pulling tatum close to him "You better liver alone!"

And with that Sidney got up, and stormed off, Tatum glared at her boyfriend and got up to go pursue her friend

"Get it you know liver, 'leave her' "

Stuart was trying his best to explain the joke, Billy just shook his head at Stu's antics

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