The trivia game

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"Can you see us?" Casey asked hesitantly

the man laughed "Can you see me? i'm right here"

Before you can even talk back, Casey grabs the phone from you "Listen, I am two seconds from calling the police!" She said

"They'd never make it in time" he told her "We're out in the middle of nowhere"

"What do you want, fucker?!"

"To see what your insides look like," he shouted, letting out a maniacal laugh

Then, the doorbell rang. You and Casey both jumped from surprise, and Casey yelped in fear

"Who's there.." Casey shouted "WHO'S THERE?!!"

The person began to violently pound on the door, and you panicked a bit. You looked at the phone on Casey's hand, and realized the guy was laughing like a mad man. Casey put the phone on speaker and heard the man start talking to you once more

"You should never say 'who's there!' I thought you watched scary movies, It's a death wish?" he said "You might as well just go outside to investigate a strange noise or something!"

"Look, you've had your fun now, so you'd better just fucking leave" Casey shouted

"Or else what?"

"Or else my boyfriend'll be here any second, and he'll be pissed when he finds out" She shouted again

"I thought you didn't have a boyfriend," the man said

"I lied! I do have a boyfriend, and he'll be here any second, so your flat ass better be gone!"

"Sureeee" the man sassed


"I'm getting scared!" the man joked "I'm shaking in my boots!"

"SO YOU BETTER JUST LEAVE" Casey continued

"His name wouldn't be Steve, would it?" the man asked

"How do you know his name..."

"Turn on the patio lights." The man instructed

Casey began making her way towards some backdoors you hadn't noticed were there, and began to reach for a light switch. Following orders, she flicked one of the switches, and back lights illuminated a backyard in-ground pool, and a collection of outdoor chairs

One had been moved to face the glass doors, allowing you and Casey to see Steve Orth tied up, duck taped to the chair, with tape covering his mouth

Casey began to reach for the door handle, when the man on the phone started to go 'tut tut tut' at her

"I wouldn't do that if I were you," the man warned

"Where are you" she asked "Where arE YOU?!?!"

"Guess" the man told her

"Please don't hurt him" Casey begged

"That all depends on you" the creepy phone guy responded

"Why are doing this," she asked

"I wanna play a game"

"No!" you told him

"Then he dies right here right now!"

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