Chapter Six

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As the moment unfolded, I found myself subconsciously closing my eyes, surrendering to the enchantment that was about to unfold.  And then, in a gentle and deliberate motion, his lips touched mine. In the midst of anticipation, I couldn't help but wonder why he was hesitating to kiss me. Time seemed to stretch on as I anxiously awaited his next move. The air was thick with a mixture of excitement and uncertainty, leaving me questioning what could be causing this delay.

As I slowly opened my eyes, the room came into focus. There he was, sitting motionless in front of me, the sight of him frozen in time.

Our lips had a momentary encounter, and then he decided it was nap time. How convenient! Great, just when I thought things were finally getting interesting, Mr. Sleepyhead decided it was the perfect time to take a nap instead.

Seriously, could this situation get any more ridiculous? I guess I'll just sit here, patiently waiting for Sleeping Beauty to wake up and realize what he missed out on.

Is he attempting to turn me into the laughingstock of the century, or did he simply pass out from an excessive intake of alcohol while sitting upright? I mean, seriously, I can't even tell which one is worse.

In any case, it's likely that he passed out due to the amount of alcohol he consumed.

As I sat there, a genuine smile spreads across my face. The corners of my mouth turned up, and a soft chuckle escaped my lips. I couldn't help it - the situation was just too interesting.

I leaned in and pressed a gentle kiss upon his cheek. With a soft whisper, I shared a heartfelt sentiment, the words carrying a weight of emotion. "You never fail to put a smile on my face, Ron."

After getting to my feet, I went around and gathered up the empty bottles.

After finishing up the cleaning, I returned to Ron's living room/bedroom, where I found him in the exact same position as before I left to clean.

With a gentle grip on his shoulders, I gently guided him down, carefully laying him on his back. With heavy eyelids and aching cheeks due to laughing, I decided to sleep on the corner.

The next morning, I woke up with a severe headache. It was foolish of me to consider vodka as a substitute for water. Now I'm having a tough time with it.

Despite the odds stacked against me, I summoned every ounce of strength within me to rise to my feet. The world around me blurred as I struggled to pry open my heavy eyelids. As I awoke from my sleep, my body shot up with such speed that hit onto something hard.

"Ouch!" I said.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Ron looking at me in a very intent manner. When I glanced up, I met his eyes as if  I was beneath him.  I analyzed the situation and found that the cause of the bumping was that I was sleeping on his lap. In addition to this, he was looking at me while I was asleep, which is what caused me to accidentally bump up against his forehead.

"Pervert!" I shouted.

"Are you sure about that? You played an evil move on me when you were sleeping and I was watching television. As a result, I find myself in this situation. You gave the impression of looking about for a pillow, but instead of grabbing the pillow, you took hold of me instead. So this is how you're going to show your appreciation for the fact that I let you use my lap as a pillow?"

"So, how do you explain that you were looking at me while I was asleep?"

"Because you were mumbling something to yourself while you were asleep, I tilted my head to look at you."

Oh, that's why.

My eyes widened in shock, when my eyes landed on Ron's forehead. With a racing heart, I hurried towards him I couldn't help but ask, in a voice filled with worry, if he was alright.

"Ron, your forehead's bleeding? Are you okay?"

"Are you being for real right now... You're the artist behind this." Ron responded while pointing his forehead. "You should take a look at yourself before worrying about me, (Y/N)."

When I touched my forehead, I felt that it was wet. When I turned around to look at Ron again, he was offering a handkerchief to me.

I grabbed it. "I'm sorry and thank you."

"Do you recall what occurred the night before? I believe I dozed off. I know we drank, but after chatting about vodka, my recollections are hazy."


Ugh, these questions are making me wonder... and not in a good way! Ugh, I attempted to summon the memory of what the heck happened last night.

And then I remembered...

I can't believe how close Ron was to me, like we were about to have the most epic kiss ever, and then... nothing. Story of my life.

So then I apparently decided it was a great idea to plant kiss on his cheek and whisper who knows what. Seriously? I can't even remember what I whispered!

Oh great, now I have to play detective and try to remember what I said. Why can't my memory just cooperate for once when alcohol is involved? I can't just spill the beans and reveal my true identity, like a surprise party gone wrong. But hey, I guess I'll try not to make things awkward between us. Just what I needed - another excuse to forget everything! Let's just blame it on the "alcohol" and pretend like it never happened.

Cheers to conveniently selective memory. I'm so frustrated that I am unable to recall what I whispered. It's like my brain is playing hide-and-seek with my own thoughts.  Now I have to play detective and be a master of deception just to answer his question without getting caught in a web of lies.

"I'm sorry, Ron. I can't recall what happened that much. Maybe I was too drunk to remember any of them."

Here comes Ron with his arrogant little smirk.

I was taken away, when he got close to me and placed his hand on top of my head.

"Don't worry, at least I didn't fail putting a smile on your face."

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