Chapter Three

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"Ron! She finally remembered her name!"

Ron didn't react to Officer Isshiki.

"I'm Totomaru Isshiki! but, you can call me-"

"Toto." Ron answered.

I pointed at the files Ron was holding. "Those files. Are they connected to the news? May I look at it?"

"Uhm, those files are highly confidential-"

"Here." Ron gave me the files without hesitation.

"Ron! I just said that those files were highly confidential!"

In any case, I looked over the files quickly. After opening the file folder, I immediately started going over the pages. Every paper included a different piece of the picture. My eyes quickly skimmed over the text, allowing me to take in the information as I went along.

After completing the examination of all of the pages, I handed over all of the files back. Ron spoke to me just as I was going to walk away from them.

"So what are your thoughts, (Y/N)-"

"The orchid's scientific name is Nemesis azurea. The term "Nemesis" on the notes provided a hint, although not in the manner it first appeared in corpses. It wasn't a reference to the victims' enemy; it was a reference to the orchid itself. The orchid was the unifying denominator, and the murderer used it to symbolize their vengeance."

"And?" I think I piqued Ron's interest.

"I think that there is just one flower store in the area that sells orchids, so your best bet is to catch for a local florist in the vicinity of where the corpse is. Florists are experts on different kinds of flowers, and you won't find orchids sold anywhere else. This particular orchid is symbolic of resentment. It is probable that the florist had been exploiting the natural poison of the orchid to create a rare and dangerous toxin, and that they had mastered a way of injecting the poison into the orchid without leaving any evidence."

"How were you able to deduct this right away, (Y/N)? You're amazing! Right, Ron?"

I faced Ron as he crossed his hands below his chest, a smirk playing on his lips. "She's finally showing her true colors..."

"How did you know the scientific name of the orchid, (Y/N)?" Toto asked.

"My mother was poisoned by the same kind of orchid."

There was complete silence in the room, and their expressions changed.

"I'm sorry, (Y/N)-" Toto tried to comfort me.

"Don't worry about it, it was a long time ago. You need to start moving and find out who the culprit is. Don't be concerned about me since I won't do anything while you guys are gone. Best of luck to you in your case."

Without giving it some thought, I nodded as they went on there way. I felt like I gave them a hint of who I really was because of my expressions. The case they are handling right now gives me flashbacks on things I tried to put behind me.

The memory of that incident had faded over the years, becoming a distant echoes in the corridors of my mind.

As time went by, I found myself growing increasingly bored.

I snooped around and saw Ron's books. I kept reading and reading, losing track of time as the words on the page transported me to different worlds. I couldn't help but get lost in the pages.

There's this one particular book that piqued my interest. My eyes scanned the shelves, searching for something that would captivate me. And then, there it was, nestled between two other books. Its cover caught my attention, adorned with vibrant colors and an intriguing title. Curiosity sparked within me, urging me to pick it up and explore—while reading the book, I came across my family surname.

After giving it some more thinking, If I had the strength to protect them whenever they found themselves in need of it, then I would not be alone right now.

Eventually, I fell asleep, my eyelids growing heavy as I drifted off into an easy sleep. Unknown to me, the book I had been reading found its resting place on top of my head.

As I lay, lost in the depths of sleep, a sudden noise pierced through the silence of the night. It was the distinct sound of a key turning in the lock.

It must be Ron.

I remained still as I became aware of his approach and he withdrew the book that had been sitting on my face while.

"You are quite weird, no?"

I couldn't help but chuckle when I heard those words. "look who is talking."

He did nothing except stay there looking at me in a way that suggested he was anticipating a response from me. After a little time, he rose up and replaced the book that I was reading.

Before returning the book, Ron checked the title. " A fan of Sam Spade, I see."

"Huh?!" I said in confusion.

"Are you okay? Is there something bothering you?" He asked.

"Who knows? Tell me Detective Ron Kamonohashi, is there something bothering me?"

"I believe that there is a matter that troubles you. Your eyes, though awakened from a sleep, exhibit a slight reddish color. In short, you gave in to tears until sleep overtook you. Or trying to suppress your tears. However, your attempt proved rather futile, for there were unmistakable traces of desiccated tears reflecting the pages of the book you were reading."

Damn this detective.

"Possible. However, it is also possible that I was attempting to hold back tears due to my extreme sleepiness and my desire to complete the book."

Ron sat in front of me and flicked my forehead.

"Ouch?! What did I do to deserve that?"

"Because you previously assured us that you wouldn't do anything while we were gone. After taking a peek around my kitchen, you opened the refrigerator and I can see that your fingerprints are very visible on the handle. Did you grabbed one of my brown sugar syrups?!"

I burst into laugh.

"I really have no idea. Perhaps you entered my life with the intention of stealing my brown sugar syrups.  Because if you're not a spy, a a detective, or an assassin, you may be a thief of brown sugar syrup!"

This person is unbelievable.

"Tell me Ron, you've already figured it out, right?"


"Come on tell me. Don't you want that? I can leave as early as now."

"Are you that desperate to leave and get yourself killed again?"

"Not really; I'm simply curious how far your abilities as a detective had progressed in figuring my identity."

"As far as I'm aware, there is just one family that has been caught up similarly to the Nemesis azurea or orchids case we handled today, and those members of family were tragically murdered, but there are rumors that there is one survivor from that family and that member is still alive today."

"Do you know who this person is?" I asked as Ron grabbed my chin.

"You tell me, (Y/N) Spade."

Sam Spade

Created by Dashiell Hammett, fictional investigator Sam Spade is the protagonist of the timeless masterpiece "The Maltese Falcon." His tale takes place in the seedy underbelly of 1930s San Francisco, where he operates a private investigation firm. Sam Spade's reputation for toughness, good observation, and logical reasoning means that he often takes on cases that put him in potentially life-threatening situations. His ability to fit into the criminal world and work secretly to uncover important information and hidden realities is one of his most valuable assets. Because of his versatility, he is a master of disguise. He is a powerful investigator in the hard-boiled genre of crime fiction thanks to his undercover work, which enables him to enter criminal groups and get close to suspects.

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