Chapter 1

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As promised here is the first chapter of OUR FATE.

Happiest Birthday Gracie.

The second chapter has been already updated on Stck. me, and it's free for followers.



Emma had been counting down the minutes, and now, as the clock struck six, her heart raced with anticipation. The cafe around her buzzed with the chatter of patrons and the clink of coffee cups, but all she could hear was the thumping of her heart.

Tomorrow is her birthday and also they will complete two years together. In this two years of relationship, was the first time he had initiated to meet her all from himself. No one knows their relationship,

Noah was not interested in any kind of commitment since his last heartbreak but it was Emma who forced him to come into a relationship but in these two years he had kept himself away from her.

Emma was just happy that Noah was her boyfriend, and she would do anything to keep him with her. She very cleverly kept this fact hidden from everyone, neither did she let her best friend nor her brother know. Jack was 7 years older than her, everyone was scared of him but Noah was different.

Noah and Jack were each other's opponents in college, Noah was the captain of the blue team and Jack of the red team and it was where Emma met Noah for the first time and fell in love with him.

She was only 14 when she fell in love with Noah who was 19 at that time.

Love at first sight.

She had come secretly from everyone to meet Noah, Jack and Harry would be back by tomorrow and Millie and Josh were busy in her birthday arrangements.

She fidgeted in her seat, smoothing out the fabric of her dress, and checked her reflection in the window for the umpteenth time.

The bell above the door jingled, and she looked up, her eyes sparkling with excitement. There he was, her boyfriend NOAH WILLIAMS.

His eyes scanned the room and when they landed on Emma, he became nervous. Emma's eyes lit up with a warmth that made him feel like he was the only person in the world.

He approached the table, and she stood up, her movement a mixture of grace and eagerness. As he drew closer, a wide smile spread across her face, she could barely contain the joy bubbling inside her.

" I love you, baby!" Emma exclaimed and hugged him tightly but as usual he didn't reciprocate the hug. He never did.

"Why have you called me? Well you know I am very happy today. You have called me on your own for the first time. I am not taunting you. Don't misunderstand me and tomorrow is going to complete 2 years of our relationship. I am very happy" Emma blabbered and hugged him again but Noah was silent as before, neither he hugged her back nor he said anything.

"Baby, why aren't you saying anything?" Emma asked him with a frown.

"We need to talk" Noah said in a serious tone.

"Yes, tell me, what's the matter, I have the whole night to listen to you" Emma flirt with him to which he looked away from her. Emma had never seen him smile in these two years.

He gestured her to sit and they settled themselves in the chair. Emma's heart was pounding with nervousness and excitement. Obviously what would you even accept from a 16 year old girl?

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