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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (83)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (83)
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  Suddenly, a blood mark appeared on the glass in front of Han Qingxia.

  It opened its huge abyss mouth, and its scarlet mouth roared like an evil spirit gnawing at the glass in front of it. Its nose, mouth, and cheekbones were all pressed against the glass to the point of deformation, and it gnawed at it in a hurry.

  The clean glass wall was soon stained with lines of blood.



  Instantly, everyone around Han Qingxia was on guard.

  Tang Jian and He Zhangping immediately took out their pistols.

  They had lost all their heavy weapons and only had some light weapons left with them.

  The sound from her side attracted the attention of the teams nearby.

  "what's the situation?"

  "Captain! There are zombies here!" Tang Jian said.

  Immediately, Lu Qiyan rushed over with everyone else.

  Wang Mengwei looked at the row of zombies appearing in the office and affirmed, "This is it!"

  "you sure?"

  "This is a laboratory! It must be in this industry! I'm not sure which room it is in! Just look for it here!" Wang Mengwei said.

  Lu Qiyan once again felt that Wang Mengwei was a scammer.

  He waved his hand and asked everyone to start patrolling the column.

  Han Qingxia followed them. The office area in this row was completely different from the one on the left.

  The sides are no longer lined with various precision instruments, but rather like wards, with beds placed in each room.

  Han Qingxia was walking among them, and the sound of zombies rushing towards him could be heard from the ward laboratories on the left and right.

  Every room contains at least one zombie, and as many as four or five!

  They felt the sound of living people moving around, and they all pounced on it, gnawing through the glass.

  This feeling was very strange, except that there was only a glass on the left and right sides, and they were walking in an area surrounded by zombies.

  If one of the windows is broken, the scene will be interesting.

  Han Qingxia, who was following the leading cannon fodder, walked and observed, while his mind was running rapidly.

  First of all, she observed that all the zombies here had intact bodies, and none of them had bite marks. This meant that these zombies were not mutated by bites, but all mutated themselves.

  But why are there so many locked up mutated zombies here?

  Could it be that this was being studied here before the zombie virus broke out?

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