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52 Library > Romance Novels > Rebirth in the Apocalypse: The Boss Starts by Hoarding Millions of Goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (30)
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Rebirth in the apocalypse: The boss starts by hoarding millions of goods_Zhou Dabai [Completed] (30)
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  Tell the other party quite clearly how to do it.

  Whenever she wants to touch them, these two women will die first!

  If she really didn't care about the life or death of these two women, they would be able to escape immediately because they were in the car, but once they succeeded, they would be able to escape immediately.

  They are going to kill her later!

  In the end times, there is no need to talk about morality.

  They repaired the tires, tied the hostages to the roof of the car, and quickly got into the car. Seeing Han Qingxia blocking the road with vehicles in front of them, they made a "boom~" sound and drove in.

  This time the rush went smoothly.

  The other party actually didn't shoot.

  Everyone was enjoying themselves.


  A short arrow with a bag of fresh chicken blood hit the door of their pickup truck with a clang.

  The short arrow was shot diagonally, half of it got stuck in their car body, and the other half locked the door tightly.

  People in the car: "!!!"

  In their shock, their inner and outer car doors were shot with short arrows at the same time.


  Their tires were punctured again, the vehicle spun and came to a sudden stop.

  Bright red blood covered their entire car, and the thick smell of blood immediately made their car a target for all zombies.

  All the surviving zombies on the roadside were gathering towards them.

  All of them were trapped inside the car like sardines!


  "Damn it! That's a bastard in there! She lied to us on purpose!"

  "Can you still go out?"

  "The car door won't open!"

  Wang Hu looked at the zombies gathering outside and rolled down the window immediately and climbed out of the car.

  He didn't climb stupidly. He grabbed a woman as a shield and hid behind her the whole time to climb out.

  But at this moment, a half-zombie on the ground grabbed his leg. Wang Hu pushed the woman sharply and dodged.


  A short arrow immediately shot into his back.

  Wang Hu completely avoided it by relying on his instinct.

  After he hid, he knew that he must not let go of the hostage, he had to hide behind her and rush in!

  He grabbed the woman again, held it in front of him, and ran towards the air-raid shelter inside.

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