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Location: [Japan, UA High Gates]

???: Come on, Little Ghost! If we don't hurry up, we are going to be late for the exams!

We see two people trying not to be late for the entrance exam. What entrance exam, you might be thinking? Well, it's for the most prestigious school in Japan: UA High. The two people running are none other than your sister, Hornet, and you.

You sign to her that you are trying to be as fast as possible, but she doesn't see you; instead, she keeps running. You sigh internally at your sister's behaviour. It was to be expected from her.

As you both reach the gates, you both are mesmerized by the sight.

Hornet: Here we are, at the gates of UA High, where heroes have a better chance at being the best. Are you ready little Ghost?

You sign her that you are ready as you can be and you both enter.

Timeskip after the written part of the exam

Now we are at the auditorium, where the examinees are going to be instructed by Present Mic himself.

Mic: Hello everybody! Welcome to today's Live performance! Let's Say "HEY"!

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But nobody said anything, only one green headed kid could be heard fanboying silently.

Mic: Well, that's okay. I'm here to present you the Guidelines for the Practical Part! Are you guys ready?! YEAHH!!

. . .

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Again, there nobody said anything, even the dude before didn't say anything.

Mic: to himself Tough crowd. Anyway, this is how the test will go! You'll be experiencing a ten minute long "Mock Cityscape Maneuvers"! You can bring whatever you want! After this is over, you'll each head to your assigned Testing location!!

Hornet: It seems that we can't be together at the exam, Little Ghost.

You nod at her while she continues.

Hornet: But that won't be a problem because we trained hard, didn't we? Don't make the training that the Mantis Lords and Quirrel gave us.

You nod again, remembering the times you trained with them. Those were good times.

Mic: Each Area is filled with three kinds of Faux Villains. Points are awarded for defeating each according to their respective difficulty levels! By using your quirks, you can disable them and earn points and that is your goal! Of course, attacking the others is instant disqualification and prohibited!

???: May I ask a question?!

Mic: Hit Me!

At that point, you and your sister were trying to come up with some plans to defeat the robots. You briefly heard that there was a 0-Pointer that should be avoided and a "Super Mario" reference? Anyway, as we came to the end of its Present Mic had something else to say.

Mic: That's all from me! I'll leave my Listeners with our school motto. The great Hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said, "True Heroism consists in being superior to the ills of Life" PLUS ULTRA!!

Hornet: Well, this where we part ways, Little Ghost and don't forget what we trained. Most importantly, don't go freaking wild. You know what happened last time.

You sign: That was an accident and I wasn't that good at controlling my quirk back then.

Hornet: sigh Just watch out for yourself. And remember that Y/N.

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