Characters Reborn! Memories Gone?!

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Location: [Unknown]

1???: The timeline was unstable, and I had to take action. What did you expect from me?

2???: sighs I already knew that the timeline was unstable, and I had everything planned. But no, you had to do something reckless.

1???: I-I'm sorry, Master. I just wanted to be helpful for once, considering what happened. looks saddened

?Master?: sighs I understand what happened. It's just frustrating to have more work now. I'm not mad at you, just a little disappointed. Anyway, let's focus on the task at hand. First, we need to restore the timeline.

1???: What about the characters? What are we going to do with them?

?Master?: Until the timeline is up and running (which will take a long time), we'll have them reborn in a different universe.

1???: Wait, won't they notice they're in a different world? Won't this cause more damage/chaos and give us more work?

?Master?: That would be the case if they have their memories. Some of the characters will be reborn without any recollection of their past or knowledge of being in a different universe.

1???: So, basically, they're isekai'd to a new world without their memories? Huh, neat, that could work. But wait, how many of the characters are going, and how many are not?

?Master?: Only a few chosen ones will be sent there. Some will be directed to the Omega Timeline, where people whose timelines are beyond repair reside.

1???: What about my brothers, Master? Will they help us rebuild the timeline?

?Master?: They have their own mission to complete. Enough chit-chat for now. Let's get to work, Red.

Red: On it, Master.

Wait? Who are Red and ?Master? What is the Omega Timeline? What happened to our beloved protagonist? Reborn? Memories Gone?! To find out what happens next, stay tuned for the next chapter.

Next time on "Quirks and Shadows": Exam?!

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